This is intended to be a collection of utility code to make programming in MODERN OpenGL easier, more readable, and more efficient. I think of it as my ongoing effort to make a modern GLU for OpenGL 4.5 with AZDO / DSA style programming.
This repository is built using GLHPP (an object oriented / RAII / DSA-oriented modern GL interface) as a base.
Other external depends include GLAD for extension wrangling, and GLFWPP for windowing, which is based on GLFW.
GL_Containers - STL Style containers built around GPU Buffers
GL_UBO - For declaring UBO structs in client code with correct layouts
GL_VAO - For automatically setting up VAO (Vertex Array Object) state from struct or instance data types, eg:
glSugar::Vao<SpriteInstanceAnim> spriteVAO; // - this is the entirety of the setup code
// at render time:
spriteVAO.vertexBufferInstanced(v.buffer); // ready to render now!
GL_Objects - Additional helpers for setting up, initializing and using textures and shaders
Shaders - raw shader source files for common library functions you might need in your shader programs.
Algorithms - client side code for common graphics algorithms you might want.
IMGUI Renderer - rendering header backend for Dear IMGUI library using GLHPP / GLSugar.
Video - Hardware accelerated video playback to texture : currently Win32 / IMF only.