
ProCap is a captcha solving service that handle help you to bypass various type of captchas

Primary LanguagePython


ProCap is a captcha solving service that handle help you to bypass various type of captchas


pip install procap

⚠️ Requirements

  • Apikey : Join ProCap, to get api key

💡 Examples

  • 1 - Example (Solve)
from ProCap import ProCap
apikey = "" # Api key (required)
url = "" # Link to captcha (required)
sitekey = "" # Sitekey (required)
proxy = "" # Proxy (optional)
userAgent = "" # User agent (optional)
rqdata = "" # RQData (optional)
solver = ProCap(apikey)
captchaToken = solver.solve(url=url, sitekey=sitekey, proxy=proxy, userAgent=userAgent, rqdata=rqdata)
print(f"Captcha token : {captchaToken}")
  • 2 - Example 2 (Create task)
from ProCap import ProCap
apikey = "" # Api key (required)
url = "" # Link to captcha (required)
sitekey = "" # Sitekey (required)
proxy = "" # Proxy (optional)
userAgent = "" # User agent (optional)
rqdata = "" # RQData (optional)
solver = ProCap(apikey)
captchaTask = solver.createTask(url=url, sitekey=sitekey, proxy=proxy, userAgent=userAgent, rqdata=rqdata)
captchaTask.id # Task id
captchaTask.time # Time taken
captchaTask.message # Message
captchaTask.success # Success [True or False]
captchaTask.token # Captcha Token (if solved)
captchaTask.challengeKey # Captcha challenge key
captchaTask.response # Get api full response
  • 3 - Example (Get Task Result)
from ProCap import ProCap
apikey = "" # Your api key
solver = ProCap(apikey)
id = "Challenge ID" 
captchaTask = solver.checkTask(id)
captchaTask.id # Task id
captchaTask.time # Time taken
captchaTask.message # Message
captchaTask.success # Success [True or False]
captchaTask.token # Captcha Token (if solved)
captchaTask.challengeKey # Captcha challenge key
captchaTask.response # Get api full response
  • 4 - Example (Get account information)
from ProCap import ProCap
apikey = "" # Api key (required)
solver = ProCap(apikey)
user = solver.get_balance()
user.balance # Get user balance
user.daily_limit # Get user daily limit
user.next_reset # Get user next credits reset
user.daily_used # Get user daily used
user.daily_remaining # Get user daily remaining
user.plan_expire # Get user plan expiration
user.response # Get api full response