
Create embeddable component - NOT iframe

pr3d4t0r opened this issue · 3 comments


Our pal Evon requested that we create an embedded component for their website. My current suggestion is that we have the option to embed the US or the top cases by country. Clicking anywhere on the embedded chart should send the user to on a separate tab or window, leaving the window of origin intact.

Thoughts? Thanks in advance and cheers!


An embedded component would be, an iframe. How else would this really be done effectively?

Scaffolded element that pulls static assets from, and the data to render it from a Lambda@Edge call, is my guess. They can really make it look any way they want, but if they use our embedded component it'll be branded Thoughts?

We can certainly provide an iframe-based embed, which lets us provide that for any 3rd-party willing to abide by the CCA-SA and control for change when that happens so we can ensure the embed continues to function. I think our focus can definitely be on drafting an iframe-based embed which any website can embed, which keeps our branded graphs and a link back to us.

I think this falls in line with our wanting to provide the information but also ensure that we don't divert focus away from solving integration issues that none of us have time for.