- 3
Out of memory error
#31 opened by ksgfan - 0
- 0
PyPrep Noisy Channel Parameters
#34 opened by lmctx13 - 7
- 0
Channel locations missing after the pipeline
#32 opened by aprilluo0421 - 1
Why is EEGlab PREP not flagging up EEG files as "problematic" if the number of interpolated channels is > 25%?
#30 opened by faimai00 - 2
- 5
- 3
Error using cleanLineNoise (line 57)
#27 opened by Samuel-Ba - 7
Should I do the channel location first?
#20 opened by guishuyunye-lyw - 2
Interpolation prior to ICA
#25 opened by UHSVH - 4
Crash on movefile in publishPrepReport
#23 opened by GregPerlman - 0
Add reference information in EEG struct after PREP
#22 opened by VisLab - 0
should I do a low pass filter and another rereference after PREP, before ICA?
#21 opened by guishuyunye-lyw - 1
- 2
struct2str getNumerical
#16 opened by VisLab - 1
restoreEEGOptions not quite working correctly
#15 opened by VisLab - 0
Change name of findpeaks
#18 opened by VisLab - 1
Change to EEGLAB options
#17 opened by arnodelorme - 1
- 0
adding back online reference
#14 opened by normanF - 1
PREP removes non-interpolated channels
#11 opened by eioe - 1
- 1
PREP - Reference Error (Failed postProcess)
#10 opened by langestroop - 1
- 1
GUI issue with MATLAB 2016a
#9 opened by VisLab - 6
Errors in report publising functions
#2 opened by octaveEtard - 1
- 2
- 0
Beginners help
#7 opened by fixspencer - 5
Issues with Infinite Recursion
#5 opened by deskool - 1
Cancel button doesn't work on EEGPlugin
#4 opened by VisLab