
A curated list of Atomist articles, references, guides, courses, books, videos and presentations

Awesome Atomist Awesome

A curated list of Atomist articles, references, guides, courses, books, videos and presentations

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  1. Articles
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  3. References
  4. Guides
  5. Code
  6. Videos
  7. Courses
  8. Books
  9. Templates
  10. Misc


  • Introduction to Atomist Editors - The fundamental differentiation provided by Atomist over previous project generation approaches.
  • Evolving Projects Using Atomist Editors - Continuing the series started in Introduction to Atomist Editors this post steps through the mechanics of creating a Spring Boot project with one editor action and then running a second editor to bring in Neo. The article also dives down into the structure of Rug types which are used to create new Atomist editors.
  • BDD with Rug - This soup to nuts account of the process to create a new editor with test scenarios introduces the use the Rug Test DSL.



  • Atomist Reference - Atomist Reference: The Atomist Bot, Atomist Project Template Overview, Authoring Atomist Project Editors and Reviewers with the Atomist DSL, Systems that Atomist Currently Supports.




  • "The Clockwork Gardener: Growing an Elm App With Templates" by Jessica Kerr - Jessica Kerr steps through life alongside her PR flinging, code generating buddy Atomist starting with ChatOps and progressing to CLI.
  • JAX London 2016: Interview with Russ Miles - Rapid overview of Rug - 10 minute Rug Language overview with Russ Miles at JAX London 2016. Awesome because convincing case that a Rug can actually tie things together. Maybe.
  • Atomist Bot Demo - 10 minute Atomist Bot demo showing interaction via Slack channel.
  • The Atomist Bot gets authorized via OAuth, shows status, executes a generator prompting for parameters, creates a compojure-service PR on GitHub project.
  • The demo shows how to list generators.
  • Atomist then is instructed to create a SpringBoot project.
  • Atomist lists it's 54 editors, then adds a Docker file to the SpringBoot project.

Super cool to see the workflow all within Slack with history.











To the extent possible under law, Janek Bogucki has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.