
A React Google Login Component

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Google Login

A Google oAUth Sign-in / Log-in Component for React


npm install react-google-login

How to use

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import GoogleLogin from 'react-google-login';

const responseGoogle = (response) => {


onSuccess callback

If offline is false callback will return the GoogleAuth object.

If offline is true callback will return the offline token for use on your server.

If you use the hostedDomain param, make sure to validate the id_token (a JSON web token) returned by Google on your backend server:

  1. In the responseGoogle(response) {...} callback function, you should get back a standard JWT located at response.hg.id_token
  2. Send this token to your server (preferably as an Authorization header)
  3. Have your server decode the id_token by using a common JWT library such as jwt-simple or by sending a GET request to https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/tokeninfo?id_token=YOUR_TOKEN_HERE
  4. The returned decoded token should have an hd key equal to the hosted domain you'd like to restrict to.


params value default value
clientId string REQUIRED
hostedDomain string -
scope string profile email
onSuccess function REQUIRED
onFailure function REQUIRED
onRequest function -
offline boolean false
buttonText string Login with Google
className string -
style object -
loginHint string -
redirectUri string postmessage
approvalPrompt string -
tag string button
autoLoad boolean false

Google Scopes List: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/googlescopes

onSuccess callback ( w/ offline false)

onSuccess callback returns a GoogleUser object which provides access to all of the GoogleUser methods listed here: https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/reference#users .

You can also access the returned values via the following properties on the returned object.

property name value definition
googleId string Google user ID
tokenId string Token Id
accessToken string Access Token
tokenObj object Token details object
profileObj object Profile details object

onSuccess callback ( w/ offline true)

property name value definition
code object offline token

If approvalPrompt is set to "force", refresh token will always be returned while exchanging auth code for tokens. Otherwise, refresh token will only be returned for the first time user gives permission to the app.

You can now also pass child components such as icons into the button component.

    <span> Login with Google</span>

Dev Server

npm run start

Default dev server runs at localost:8080 in browser. You can set IP and PORT in webpack.config.dev.js

Run Tests

npm run test:watch

Production Bundle

npm run bundle
Checkout my other login: React Instagram Login
Checkout keppelen's React Facebook Login

Follow me on Twitter: @anthonyjgrove