
Assignment of a company

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Movie Booking Ticket App

A full-stack web application for booking movie tickets.

Tech Stack

  • Front-end: React (JavaScript)
  • Back-end: Node.js (JavaScript)
  • Database: MongoDB


  • User SignUp and Login.
  • Browse movies and view movie details
  • Search movies.
  • Book movie tickets
  • After booking ticket seat are visible based on booking status
  • Seat availablity based on UsetrId.


  1. Clone the repository:(https://github.com/Vishal062/ticket_app.git)

  2. Install dependencies for the front-end:(>cd client, npm i)

  3. Install dependencies for the back-end:(>cd server, npm i)

  4. Set up MongoDB database

  • Install MongoDB and make sure it's running on your local machine or specify the remote MongoDB connection URL in the configuration file.
  1. Configure environment variables:
  • Create a .env file in the backend directory and provide the necessary environment variables such as database connection URL, JWT secret, etc.
  1. Start the development server:
  • Start the front-end server:npm start
  • Start the back-end server:npm run dev

Deployed Link
