Note-Taking Application API


  • User Registration:

    • POST /api/v1/auth/register
      • Register a new user. The request body should include 'username' and 'password'.
  • User Login:

    • POST /api/v1/auth/login
      • Authenticate a user and return a JWT. The request body should include 'username' and 'password'.
  • Create a Note:

    • POST /api/v1/notes/notes
      • Create a new note. The request body should include 'title' and 'content'.
  • Retrieve All Notes:

    • GET /api/v1/notes/notes
      • Retrieve all the notes for the authenticated user.
  • Retrieve a Specific Note:

    • GET /api/v1/notes/notes/:id
      • Retrieve a specific note by ID.
  • Update a Note:

    • PUT /api/v1/notes/notes/:id
      • Update a specific note by ID. The request body can include 'title' and/or 'content'.
  • Delete a Note:

    • DELETE /api/v1/notes/notes/:id
      • Delete a specific note by ID.