
Kiosk to book or buy any items when connected to a source database

Primary LanguageCMake

Kiosk System

A generic purpose kiosk system, that uses industry C++ concepts. It uses Conan for package management, gRPC with protobuf for communication with a client, PostgreSQL for store, buf for Buf Schema Registry to maintain proto definitions


This used to be a Movie Ticketing Kiosk System, but then I wanted to generalize this into a kiosk system for anything depending on any source of data.

I built it as my Grade 12 Project Submission, and then improved it mid university but never had time. In Janaury 2024, I decided I wanted to spend more time with C++ and build a high level kiosk system with database interactions and a UI.

Installation Guide


  1. Python 3.11 (and Pip)
  2. Conan (C++ Package Manager)


  1. Clone the repository from GitHub
  2. Run the following commands to build the code
$ cd cmake/build
$ make
conan install . --output-folder=build --build=missing
cd build/
cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=conan_toolchain.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build .


Movie Ticket Example

  • ListMovies: List all currently running movies.
  • GetMovie: Select the movie and show all the show timings for the movie.
  • PostMovie: Select the movie, with show timings, number of tickets
    • This reaches out to stripe-mock with a data response for doing a mock payment process
  • DeleteMovie: Cancels a movie ticket.
  • GetMovieTicket: Gets a movie ticket that has been stored in the database.