
Implementation of M-ary tree

Primary LanguageC++

M-ary Tree:

Implement generic M-ary Tree.


Maintenance history:

Version 1.2 | 1 March 2016
	Details: 1) Modified constructors and AddChildren method to work with "_name" variable.
			 2) Added methods show and ShowHelper for printing trees. 
			 3) Added few example statements in main function.

Version 1.1	| 1 March 2016
	Details: 1) Added methods FindByID and FindByIdHelper for finding[1] any unique[2] node.
			 2) Added method returnID which returns an unique[2] ID of a node.

Version 1.0 | Initial commit -- 29 February 2016.
	Details: Created template class MNode and added it's member variables and methods.


[1] Uses Preorder traversal operation.
[2]	No two nodes must have the same IDs. IDs are std::string type.