Modern 3D Portfolio using React, Three.js and Typescript

Modern 3D Portfolio using React, Three.js and Typescript

📔 Table of Contents

‼️ Folder Structure

Here is the folder structure of this app.

  |- public/
    |-- desktop_pc/
    |-- planet/
    |-- apple-touch-icon.png
    |-- favicon.ico
    |-- favicon16.png
    |-- favicon32.png
  |- src/
    |-- assets/
        |--- company/
        |--- projects/
        |--- socials/
        |--- tech/
        |--- testimonials/
        |--- index.ts
    |-- components/
        |--- canvas/
        |--- about.tsx
        |--- banner.tsx
        |--- contact.tsx
        |--- experience.tsx
        |--- feedbacks.tsx
        |--- footer.tsx
        |--- hero.tsx
        |--- index.ts
        |--- loader.tsx
        |--- navbar.tsx
        |--- tech.tsx
        |--- works.tsx
    |-- constants/
        |--- index.ts
    |-- hoc/
        |--- index.ts
        |--- section-wrapper.tsx
    |-- utils/
        |--- lib.ts
        |--- motion.ts
    |-- app.tsx
    |-- env.d.ts
    |-- index.css
    |-- main.tsx
    |-- styles.ts
  |- .env
  |- .env.example
  |- .gitignore
  |- index.html
  |- package-lock.json
  |- package.json
  |- postcss.config.cjs
  |- tailwind.config.ts
  |- tsconfig.json
  |- vite.config.ts

📷 Screenshots:

Showcase your skills

Showcase your projects

Modern UI/UX

Functional Contact form