
This repository contains a series of notebooks which covers the basics of python, OOP, Numerical computing with Numpy, Scipy, Pandas and others

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repository contains a series of Jupyter notebooks and python files to learn Python. It covers the following topics:

  • Basics of python and commonfrequently used python libraries
  • Object Oriented Programming with Python 3
  • Concurrent Programming in Python
  • Important libraries and frameworks : SciPy, Polars, SymPy, Scikit Learn, PyTorch, OpenCV
  • Making GUIs in Python : TKinter and PyQ
  • Machine Learing with Python

Part 0 : Python Basics

  • Basic Concepts
  • Basic of OOPs
  • Numpy and Pandas
  • Seaborn

Part 1 : Object Oriented Programming in Python

  • OOPs concepts in detail
  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritence
  • Polymorphism
  • Application of OOP to a project

Part 2 : Concurrent Programming in Python

Multi-threading in Python

  • Pythreads

Event driven programming in Python

  • Asyncio

Part 3: Micro-Controller Programming with MicroPython


  • machine
  • time, utime
  • network
  • os
  • sys
  • i2c, uart, spi


  • ujson
  • umqtt
  • urequests
  • uio
  • uasyncio

Part 4: Scientific Computing with Python

Part 5: Machine Learning with Python

Part 6: Web development with Python

Part 7: GUI Design with Python

Part 8:

Libraraies and Frameworks

  • Numpy, Pandas, Polars

  • Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly

  • SciPy

  • SymPy

  • SciKit Learn

  • PyTorch

  • OpenCV

  • Fast API, Flask

  • Django

  • TKinter, PyQT

  • Working with Influx client

  • Working with PostgreSQL

  • Working with images

  • Working with Time series data

  • Working with JSOn and text data