Brainstorm App - Backend
This is a flashcard application that will help you remember important things quickly. A demo link will be provided soon. But here's the link to Brainstorm v1.0 Click here. To know more about the frontend, click here
Basic setup
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd my-project
Create a virtual environment in the project folder
python3 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
Install the dependencies using pip
pip install - r requirements.txt
Run the development server
Run the redis server
Run the celery server ( Main workers )
celery -A app.celery worker -l INFO
Run the celery server ( Schedulers )
celery -A app.celery beat --max-interval 1 -l info
API Documentation
NOTE : The link given below is for the initial API ( i.e. version 1 ). The version 2 APIs Documentation is currently in development and version 2 has the additional APIs for auth, import, export and a couple other new features.
The API follows an OpenAPI 3.0.0 standard. Click Here to view the full documentation in the YAML format. Paste it in Swagger Editor or any other OpenAPI tool to get a friendly-view
- User Login / Signup
- Authentication and Authorization using JWT
- Personal Dashboard
- Deck Management
- Import and Export as Excel / CSV Jobs
- Using webhooks for sending emails and SMS notifications and reminders
- Card Management
- Graphical Analysis
- Revision Recommendations
- Cross Platform