
Operations :

  • Add candidates
  • Give a vote to candidates
  • Generate report of candidates and their votes
  • Display one candidate as a winner who has highest votes

Goal : To keep presentation layer and business layer seperate.

  • Presentation layer has created using HTML,CSS and javascript.
  • Business layer has created using nodejs and expressjs.
  • Simple javascript arrays are used to store the data.

Source Files :

  • Data/data.js : contains functions like set_candidates(store candidates into array) ,get_candidates(retrive candidates fromarray) ,get_votes(get total votes of a candidate) ,set_votes(set vote of a particular candidate) and set_voter(set voter with candidate name and voter_id)
  • Routes/route.js : contains all routes for setting and getting candidates , cast voting and count the total votes of candidates
  • public : contains all html and css files

-> To run the application :

  • localhost : 5000
  • npm install express
  • node App.js