
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

BraTs Segmentation 2020: Course Project

This repository implements three different models and analyses the results on the BRATS 2020 dataset downloaded from the link. This work is done as part of the course project MBP 1413H: Biomedical Applications of AI.

Project description

This project aims at two goals

  1. Brain tumour segmentation

    • ResUNet
    • Attention U-Net
    • UNet Transformer(UNETR)
  2. Uncertainty prediction

    • Monte Carlo Dropout

Fig.1 - Experiment Results for three different models with uncertainty quantification


BRATS dataset contains multimodal MRI scans with extensive annotation, comprising GD-enhancing Tumor, peritumoral edema, and necrotic and non-enhancing tumor core. For our experiments, we group labels to make new set of labels as follows:-

  • Tumor core label was created by joining non enhancing tumor core and GD enhancing tumor
  • Whole tumor label was created by joining non enhancing tumor core, peritumoral edema, and GD enhancing tumor
  • Enhancing tumor label was created by just considering class GD enhancing tumor
  • Background label was created by considering all the pixels not included in the Whole tumor label

Using these labels, we performed multi label segmentation using three models. We report the dice score for our three experiments.

Resunet (WithNoAug) 0.4 0.79 0.68 0.62
Resunet (WithAug) 0.70 0.74 0.68 0.69
Attention(WithAug) 0.72 0.73 0.71 0.72
Attention (WithNoAug) 0.65 0.69 0.66 0.67
UnetR(WithAug) 0.76 0.84 0.72 0.77
UnetR(WithNoAug) 0.50 0.65 0.69 0.61

Please refer to the report for more details.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. Note that your local environment should be cuda enabled.


Libraries needed



The dataset can be downloaded from the link. For running Attention U-Net experiments, one can directly use the downloaded dataset stored in h5 format. For running UResnet and UNETR, the dataset should be in nifty format.

File Descriptions


  • 1 - remove_input.py - This script runs ablation study by removing channels and replacing them with random noise or 0
  • 2 - train_unetr.py - This script trains transformer unet
  • 3 - transform.py - This script converts hdf5 to nifti format. Run this script before training the network
  • 4 - uncertainity.py - This script gets the uncertaininty maps for a given model using Monte Carlo Dropout
  • 5 - utils\ - This directory contains helper functions for dataloading, metric calculations, visualizations, uncertaininty calculation, etc.

Attention UNet

  • 1 - Hyperparameters\ - This directory is used by train_attunet_multilabel.py. It contains json files with hyperparameter settings for experiment
  • 2 - evaluate.py - This script gets the metric scores and uncertainty map for a given model and dataset
  • 3 - remove_input_attn.py - This script runs ablation study by removing channels and replacing them with random noise or 0
  • 4 - utils\ - This directory contains helper functions for dataloading, metric calculations, visualizations, uncertaininty calculation, etc.


  • 1 - train_Resunet.py - This script trains ResUnet
  • 2 - uncertainity.py - This script gets the uncertaininty maps for a given model using Monte Carlo Dropout
  • 3 - utils\ - This directory contains helper functions for dataloading, metric calculations, visualizations, uncertaininty calculation, etc.

Train Examples

Training UNETR

# To train UNETR
# With Slurm Scripts
>>> sbatch -p gpu /path/to/script

# Directly run python
>>> python ./UNet_transformer/train_unetr.py

Training Attention Unet

# Directly run python
>>> python ./Attention_UNET/train_attunet_multilabel.py\
   -n [str: NAME OF EXPERIMENT]\
   -l [str: DATASET LOCATION MODIFIER (compute canada)]\
   -m [bool: MULTI GPU (True/False)]\
   -r [str: RESUME FROM CHECKPOINT(default: None)]\
   -s [bool: SAVE CHECKPOINTS (True/False)]\
   -w [bool: USE WANDB (True/False)]\

Training UResnet

# Directly run python
>>> python ./UResnet/train_Resunet.py


The following people contributed to this project.