Why using opencv cuda wrapper mess up all my tensors?
yxchng opened this issue · 2 comments
After using cuda to scale my img in function scale, i could not print the tensor anymore (note all the print statements in the code)
require 'paths'
-- local cv = require 'cv'
require 'cutorch'
cv = require 'cv'
require 'cv.cudawarping'
require 'cv.highgui'
require 'cv.imgcodecs'
require 'cv.highgui' -- GUI
require 'cv.videoio' -- Video stream
require 'cv.imgproc' -- Image processing (resize, crop, draw text, ...)
require 'nn'
local function scale(input, size)
local h, w = input:size(1), input:size(2)
-- if (w <= h and w == size) or (h <= w and h == size) then
-- return input
-- end
local inputCUDA = input:float():cuda() / 255
if w < h then
return cv.cuda.resize{inputCUDA, {w/h * size, size}}:float()
return cv.cuda.resize{inputCUDA, {size, h/w * size}}:float()
local function padWithZeros(input, size)
local output = torch.FloatTensor(size, size, 3)
local w, h = input:size(2), input:size(1)
local x, y = math.ceil((size-h)/2), math.ceil((size-w)/2)
return output
local function getBoundingBox(bbox, rawImage)
-- print(bbox)
local boundingBox = rawImage:sub(bbox[2], bbox[2]+bbox[4], bbox[1], bbox[1]+bbox[3])
return boundingBox
local function transformKpts(bbox, kpts)
return kpts
local function detect_pose(bbox, rawImage)
input = getBoundingBox(bbox, rawImage)
input = scale(input, 256)
input = padWithZeros(input, 256)
input = input:reshape(3, 256, 256)
-- print(input:size())
-- print(input:float())
-- print(input[0])
if opt.GPU ~= -1 then
-- Convert to CUDA
cudaImg = applyFn(function (x) return x:cuda() end, input)
print ("foward")
local hms = model:forward(cudaImg)[8][1]
hms = hms:float()
_, x = hms:max(2):max(3)
MAX, y = hms:max(3):max(2)
kpts = x:float():cat(y:float()):view(16,2):div(64):mul(256)
score = MAX:float():view(16)
imgWithSkeleton = drawSkeleton(rawImage:clone(), transformKpts(bbox, kpts), score)
-- local hmImg
-- local nOut,res = hms:size(1),hms:size(3)
-- -- Repeat input image, and darken it to overlay heatmaps
-- tmpInp = image.scale(img, res):mul(1)
-- hmImg = tmpInp:repeatTensor(nOut,1,1,1)
-- -- Copy ground truth heatmaps to red channel
-- hmImg:sub(1,-1,1,1):add(hms:mul(1.3))
-- -- -- Rescale so it is a little easier to see
-- hmImg = image.scale(hmImg:view(nOut*3,res,res),256):view(nOut,3,256,256)
return imgWithSkeleton
local capture = cv.VideoCapture{'/home/iim/pose-hg-train/src/test/data/test_video.avi'}
-- local capture = cv.VideoCapture{"/Users/yxchng/Desktop/pose_detection/test.mp4"}
local f = io.open('/home/iim/pose-hg-train/src/test/data/box.txt')
-- while true do
-- local ret, frame = capture:read{}
-- -- if not ret then
-- -- break
-- -- end
-- local s = f:read()
-- -- print(frame)
-- -- if s == "" then
-- -- break
-- -- end
-- s = s:split(" ")
-- -- print(s)
-- -- print(x)
-- local x, y, w, h = tonumber(s[1]), tonumber(s[2]), tonumber(s[3]), tonumber(s[4])
-- -- local boundingBox = getBoundingBox({x,y,w,h}, frame)
-- local pose = detect_pose({x,y,w,h}, frame)
-- cv.Rect{tonumber(s[1]), tonumber(s[2]), tonumber(s[3]), tonumber(s[4])}
-- cv.rectangle{frame, {x, y}, {x+w, y+h}, color={255,0,255,0}}
-- cv.namedWindow{"video_img", 0}
-- -- cv.resizeWindow{"video_img", 500, 500};
-- cv.imshow{'video_img', pose}
-- cv.waitKey{1}
-- end
local ret, frame = capture:read{}
-- if not ret then
-- break
-- end
local s = f:read()
-- print(frame)
-- if s == "" then
-- break
-- end
s = s:split(" ")
-- print(s)
-- print(x)
local x, y, w, h = tonumber(s[1]), tonumber(s[2]), tonumber(s[3]), tonumber(s[4])
-- local boundingBox = getBoundingBox({x,y,w,h}, frame)
local pose = detect_pose({x,y,w,h}, frame)
cv.Rect{tonumber(s[1]), tonumber(s[2]), tonumber(s[3]), tonumber(s[4])}
cv.rectangle{frame, {x, y}, {x+w, y+h}, color={255,0,255,0}}
cv.namedWindow{"video_img", 0}
-- cv.resizeWindow{"video_img", 500, 500};
cv.imshow{'video_img', pose}
After using cuda to scale my img in function scale, i could not print the tensor anymore (not all the print statements in the code)
It gives the following error
THCudaCheck FAIL file=/home/iim/torch/extra/cutorch/lib/THC/generic/THCStorage.c line=182 error=17 : invalid device pointer
/home/iim/torch/install/bin/luajit: cuda runtime error (17) : invalid device pointer at /home/iim/torch/extra/cutorch/lib/THC/generic/THCStorage.c:182
I suspect it has something to do with the tensor being on the GPU rather than CPU. If that is the case, how do I turn it back into normal tensor on the CPU?
Hi, thanks for reporting. I know there are lots of issues with OpenCV CUDA interface, people often complain about it. Unfortunately, I've lost access to GPU and still don't have one. So this interface is now very unstable, I hope to get to it back soon but not sure when, sorry for that. Please use CPU for now.