- 1
To Intall Facestream in ARMV7L Raspberry PI 4
#211 opened by iuri - 1
error when luarocks make cv-scm-1.rockspec
#210 opened by yuan93427 - 0
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
#209 opened by linchakpan - 5
[OSX] Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
#194 opened by txizzle - 3
I have installed OpenCV 3.1 and Torch7. However, when I try to run luarocks install cv, it fails on No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
#204 opened by EnigmaHong - 0
how to use BackgroundSubtractMOG2{} function
#208 opened by AshinCarlXiao - 1
- 4
What does the following error message mean?
#176 opened by yxchng - 3
VideoWriter creates empty videos
#205 opened by MUzzell - 2
Segmentation fault using with cutorch when require (Both Cuda 8 and Cuda 7.5)
#188 opened by hyojinie - 0
Introduce GpuMatT for ALL [Input]OutputArrays
#203 opened by shrubb - 1
how to split the color channel
#197 opened by LinZhineng - 3
- 1
#200 opened by warkekushal - 1
fixed a BUG in function calcHist
#202 opened by uprightws - 1
An error in CLAHE
#201 opened by beenfrog - 2
- 2
Could not find a configuration file for package "OpenCV" that exactly matches requested version "3.1".
#198 opened by warkekushal - 4
- 6
- 8
torch-opencv and opencv-3.3.0
#190 opened by dslate - 5
Is DFT/IDFT supported?
#193 opened by farleylai - 3
- 2
Does the torch-opencv support Torch7 with Lua 5.x now?
#189 opened by BT123 - 1
detectMultiScale MAT conversions
#186 opened by kernelgurumeditation - 2
Converting torch "image" to cv image
#185 opened by ajhool - 4
CV_16U support
#184 opened by mlee980 - 1
Problem installing from source
#182 opened by sheikirfan - 1
- 9
imshow() does not show anything
#181 opened by mlee980 - 2
segmentation fault with cv.cvtColor
#163 opened by ayumiymk - 2
#180 opened by dirtbirb - 13
Memory Leaky
#167 opened by ytoon - 3
memory leak in tensor wrappers... ?
#179 opened by spateux - 2
cv.resize{} doesn't actually write a new image?
#178 opened by dirtbirb - 2
Why using opencv cuda wrapper mess up all my tensors?
#175 opened by yxchng - 0
bug in cv.cuda.remap
#174 opened by ranahanocka - 5
cuda.warpPerspective wrong matrix type
#173 opened by nbackfisch - 2
cutorch failure in CUDA 8
#172 opened by apvijay - 3
Gentoo incompatible Cmake
#170 opened by archenroot - 1
bilateralFilter CUDA
#169 opened by MikeChenfu - 0
- 2
Issue installing on Raspian Jessie
#168 opened by AdamMiltonBarker - 3
missing perspectiveTransform
#161 opened by joshuahhh - 1
- 1
Possible error in floodFill
#162 opened by uwesterh - 0
please remove this problem
#164 opened by kaiyuyue - 0
Support non-float CudaTensors
#160 opened by shrubb - 3
[OS X] xphoto issue
#159 opened - 2
findContours withHierarchy=true segmentation faults on a zeros image
#158 opened by electronicwhisper