- 11
NYI call return type in cv.imread
#123 opened by achsvg - 5
Compilation error (incomplete type THCState)
#154 opened by imelekhov - 4
cudaobjdetect/init.lua:279: NYI: call return type
#143 opened by bbhushan-ds - 13
Tutorial for loading frames
#134 opened by codeAC29 - 1
Is thereversion of torch-opencv with opencv2.0?
#155 opened by KangolHsu - 6
cuda illegal memory access on tensor slice
#104 opened by jonathanasdf - 13
/Users/yuanhuaan/desktop/src/torch-opencv/src/Common.cpp:177:24: error: implicit instantiation of undefined template 'std::__1::array<int, 3>'
#122 opened by anthonyyuan - 19
HOGDescriptor implemented?
#156 opened by jj-zhu - 2
cuda resize not working
#150 opened by anuragranj - 1
BFMatcher - how to access the matching result
#153 opened by minihops - 6
- 1
cv.pencilSketch gives Segmentation Fault
#152 opened by karandwivedi42 - 0
Unknown predict face_recognition
#149 opened by bbhushan-ds - 0
optical flow without cuda
#151 opened by bestlin - 2
unknown Torch class <torch.CudaTensor>
#145 opened by bbhushan-ds - 2
torch-opencv version compatible with CUDA 7.0?
#139 opened by Leftetris - 0
- 2
How to load trained RTrees?
#141 opened by lymhust - 0
All functions should have single table parameter
#148 opened by shrubb - 3
Install fails on Ubuntu 16.04 TLS
#140 opened by delip - 1
#138 opened by shubhamjain0594 - 1
puttext for Chinese characters
#137 opened by cwangblog - 1
How to write the image to disk using torch/lua
#147 opened by bbhushan-ds - 2
- 3
attempt to index global 'cv' (a nil value)
#135 opened by xiestone1992 - 4
Mac OS X installation issue
#142 opened by viralbthakar - 3
Conflict between cunn and cv package
#106 opened by codeAC29 - 1
cuda.warpAffine wrong matrix type
#132 opened by spateux - 7
Strange cuda behavior after require 'cv'
#128 opened by minihops - 0
Can't use gpu::resize function?
#129 opened by JohnnyY8 - 1
Problems with cv.findContours()
#130 opened by dslate - 3
About the local descriptor?
#126 opened by shamangary - 11
problem building on OSX 10.11.4
#115 opened by johnnyfim - 1
Optical Flow Error
#127 opened by jrbtaylor - 1
undefined symbol: DenseOpticalFlow_calc
#124 opened by jrbtaylor - 0
- 1
grabCut does not work
#120 opened by uwesterh - 0
Failed to build, with problem in calcOpticalFlowPyrLK
#121 opened by yujiali - 2
OpenCV native bindings
#110 opened by edgarriba - 13
- 1
Bug in imgproc
#119 opened by minihops - 4
Bug in imgproc
#116 opened by minihops - 1
Bug in boxFilter
#117 opened by JesseYang - 3
cv.estimateAffine3D bug
#113 opened by minihops - 2
cmake fails: "INTERFACE_LIBRARY targets may only have whitelisted properties." (cmake 3.2.2)
#112 opened by andreaskoepf - 2
- 1
fastNlMeansDenoising{} not working
#101 opened by mysterefrank - 9
Compile error for ximgproc module (was #95)
#103 opened by aurotripathy - 1
Add equalizeHist to non-cuda
#99 opened by svanschalkwyk - 0
Problems with solvePnP
#100 opened by uwesterh