
A small example on how to create cloud run instances with a docker container and allow it to access cloud storage

Primary LanguageHCL

Deploy an example service

This example service can be deployed for testing authentification and connection to google cloud storage by uploading files to google cloud storage trough the service itself running in cloud run.

Create the Container Registry

Run the Terraform script in the basic_infrastructure folder with:

terraform init
terraform plan -out="tf-plan" -var="project_id=<project_id>"
terraform apply "tf-plan"

Run this with <PROJECT_ID> replaced with your google clouds project id. This creates a container registry in gcp for you.

Build and push image

To build the image run this in the example_service folder:

docker build . -t eu.gcr.io/<PROJECT_ID>/storage-uploader:latest
docker push eu.gcr.io/<PROJECT_ID>/storage-uploader:latest

Now there should be an image named storage-uploader inside the container registry in Google Cloud Console.

Create Cloud Storage and Cloud Run Container

Now the cloud run container can be deployed with the infrastructure it depends on. The terraform script inside the example/terraform folder will rollout all the needed infrastructure as well as deploy the container itself in cloud run. The following components will be created:

  • Cloud Run Instance (To run the container)
  • Cloud Storage Bucket (To save files)
  • Service Account (To access Storage Bucket)
  • Cloud Load Balancer (To route traffic to Cloud Run)

This can be rolled out by the following commands inside the example/terraform folder:

terraform init
terraform plan -out="tf-plan" -var="project_id=<project_id>"
terraform apply "tf-plan"

Run this with <PROJECT_ID> replaced with your google clouds project id.

Now the storage bucket, cloud run instance and loadbalancer should be visible in the google cloud console. In order to test the container send a get request to the ip adress of the loadbalancer with the /files route. This should return an empty json list.

In oder to test the cloud storage connectivity upload a file to the storage bucket using the google cloud console or the POST method behind the /upload route. Hiting the /files endpoint afterwards should now return a json list with the filename and creation date in it.

Destroy the example

Google Resources cost money. So dont forget to destroy the infrastructure created using terraform:

terraform destroy -var="project_id=<project_id>"