Nintendo Switch Port of DevilutionX (Diablo)
How To Play:
- Extract contents of release into SDMC:\switch\diablo-nx
- Copy DIABDAT.MPQ from original Diablo game disc or GOG version.
- Launch diablo-nx.nro
- Note: Hold R on any installed game and launch it. Do not use photo-album to launch. If you use photo-album, the homebrew only has very little memory available, and the touch keyboard doesn't work. This is true for all homebrew, not just Diablo-NX.
- Enjoy :)
Joycon Controls
- Left Analog : Move Hero
- Right Analog : Simulate Mouse
- B : Attack nearby enemies, talk to towns people and merchants. Pickup & Drop items in inventory. OK in Menu
- Y : Pickup gold, potions & equipment from ground, open chests and doors that are nearby. Use item when in inventory (read books etc.).
- X : Cast Spell
- A : Select Spell, Cancel in Menu
- R : Inventory
- L : Character
- ZR : Drink Mana Potion
- ZL : Drink Heal Potion
- Left Analog Click : Quest Log
- Right Analog Click : Left mouse click
- Minus : Automap
- Plus : Game Menu, Skip Intro
Touch Controls
- Single finger drag : move the mouse pointer (pointer jumps to finger)
- Single short tap : left mouse click
- Single short tap while holding a second finger down : right mouse click
- Dual finger drag : drag'n'drop (left mouse button is held down)
- Three finger drag : drag'n'drop (right mouse button is held down)
There are lots of bugs. Check issues on the code repo.
Compiling On Linux
install devkitproA64, libzip, libpng, libjpeg, switch-freetype, switch-mesa, switch-glad, switch-glm, switch-sdl2, switch-sdl2_ttf, switch-sdl2_mixer, switch-libvorbis, switch-libmikmod
Compiling On Windows
- Install devkitpro
- Open
Start Button > DevKitPro > MSys2
- Type in
pacman -S switch-freetype switch-mesa switch-glad switch-glm switch-sdl2 switch-sdl2_ttf switch-sdl2_mixer switch-libvorbis switch-libmikmod
- Type in
Compiling On MacOS
Install devkitpro
Open Terminal
Type in
dkp-pacman -S switch-freetype switch-mesa switch-glad switch-glm switch-sdl2 switch-sdl2_ttf switch-sdl2_mixer switch-libvorbis switch-libmikmod
Type in
.nro lives in release. Test with an emulator (RyuJinx) or real hardware.
- Reverse engineered by GalaXyHaXz in 2018
- Switch Port by MVG in 2019
- Control Improvements and bug fixes for Switch Port by rsn8887 in 2019
- Controller code by Jacob Fliss
- RetroArch team for the Switch mman.h file
- sanctuary - extensively documenting Diablo's game engine
- BWAPI Team - providing library API to work with Storm
- Ladislav Zezula - reversing PKWARE library, further documenting Storm
- fearedbliss - being awe-inspiring
- Climax Studios & Sony - secretly helping with their undercover QA :P
- Blizzard North - wait, this was a typo!
- Depression - reason to waste four months of my life doing this ;)
And a special thanks to all the support and people who work on Devilution to make it possible! <3
Devilution is released to the Public Domain. The documentation and function provided by Devilution may only be utilized with assets provided by ownership of Diablo. - Copyright (C) 1996 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Diablo(R) - Copyright (C) 1996 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. Diablo and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Devilution and any of its' maintainers are in no way associated with or endorsed by Blizzard Entertainment(R).