
Lightweight RSA JWT verification

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A lightweight library to decode and verify RS JWT meant for the browser.


var IdTokenVerifier = require('idtoken-verifier');

var verifier = new IdTokenVerifier({
    issuer: 'https://my.auth0.com/',
    audience: 'gYSNlU4YC4V1YPdqq8zPQcup6rJw1Mbt'

verifier.verify(id_token, nonce, function(error, payload) {

var decoded = verifier.decode(id_token);


Initializes the verifier.


  • configuration
    • issuer: the issuer you trust to sign the tokens.
    • audience: the audience the token is issued for.
    • leeway: when there is a clock skew times between the signing and verifying servers. The leeway should not be biger than a minute.
    • jwksCache: the verifier will try to fetch the JWKS from the /.well-known/jwks.json endpoint each time it verifies a token. You can provide a cache to store the keys and avoid repeated requests. For the contract, check this example.
    • jwksURI: A valid, direct URI to fetch the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS). Defaults to ${id_token.iss}/.well-known/jwks.json
  • callback
    • error: the validation error if any, null otherwise
    • payload: the decoded jwt payload


This method will decode the token, verify the issuer, audience, expiration, algorithm and nonce claims and after that will verify the token signature.


  • id_token: the id_token to verify.
  • nonce: the nonce previously sent to tha authorization server.
  • callback


This method will decode the token header and payload WITHOUT doing any verification.


  • id_token: the id_token to decode.


  • header: the decoded header.
  • payload: the decoded payload.
  • encoded: the parts without decode
    • header: the header string.
    • payload: the payload string.
    • signature: the signature string.


To make it as lightweight as posible, it only provides support for RS256 tokens. It can be easily extensible to other RS* algorithms.

Issue Reporting

If you have found a bug or if you have a feature request, please report them at this repository issues section. Please do not report security vulnerabilities on the public GitHub issue tracker. The Responsible Disclosure Program details the procedure for disclosing security issues.




This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.