example workflow codecov

Users Groups System (backend part)

Frontend part of the system you can find here.


This is a simple REST API that provides endpoints to make CRUD requests to work with users and groups. Also users can be added to the different existing groups because the many-to-many relationship exists in the database between Users and Groups tables.

Used technologies

  • Django + Django REST Framework
  • PostgreSQL
  • Docker + Docker Compose
  • Pytest + Coverage

  • Requirements

    Before running the application on your machine you need to have docker and docker-compose installed. The installation guide you can find here.
    Also you need to add .env and .env.db file to the root directory of the project.
    Example of .env file:
    TIME_ZONE=Europe/Kiev #your timezone
    Example of .env.db file:
    POSTGRES_HOST=ugs_database #this parameter must be the same because it refers to the docker container where the database will be running

    How to run application

    To run application and its database in docker containers (you can add -d flag to run them in background)
    docker-compose up 
    To stop and remove the docker containers where the application and its database run
    docker-compose down

    How to run tests

    To run tests you have to create a virtual environment where all needed packages will be installed. Create virtual environment with the following command (provided example for the Linux OS):
    python3 -m venv venv
    Then activate it:
    source venv/bin/activate
    Install all packages from requirements.txt file:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    Run tests with PyTest:

    Postman collection

    The Users-Groups-System.postman_collection.json file stores the Postman collection with examples of all requests which can be sent to the running application. To try these requests import this collection into your Postman application.