A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
AndroidScreencast - Android Screencast allows you to control your android device from your computer. By TheDumbTechGuy
AutoFeedback - A simple tool to implement feedback with 2 lines of code. By @kiddbubu
Antimony - A free open source peer-to-peer electronic cash system that is completely decentralized, without the need for a central server or trusted parties(Cryptocurrency) By @Vitalik-Hakim
Arkesel SMS (PHP Package) - A wrapper for Arkesel SMS's APIs for sending sms messages from php and laravel apps. By @patricpoba
- Cable Chat - A chat app implemented with Rails ActionCable By @kiddbubu
- Choropleth Map of Ghana - A choropleth map which visualizes the population density across all the districts of Ghana By @Bbenhin
- clockwatch - clockwatch is a simple python module that returns relative time (time told with respect to a particular point in the past.) A practical application of 'Relative' time is in time stamps. By @illmawutor
- Custom MaterializeCSS Download - A web interface for MaterializeCSS users to customize their CSS before download. By @nkansahrexford
- CodeBySide - A way to compare code side by side of different programming languages. By @nkansahrexford
- CryptoManiac - A chrome extension that displays the prices of the top 6 crypto-currencies in realtime. Yup, Realtime! By @gwuah_
- DevLess (Backend-As-A-Service) - DevLess is a platform that allows you to easily build robust backends for your web and mobile applications by piecing together plug and play backend modules By @Eddy_mens and @tsa_tsu and @jlsodai
- DjangoHoldIt - A dummy image server similar to Placehold.it, however built using Django. By @nkansahrexford
- ElasticSearch Report Engine - An ElasticSearch plugin to return query results as either PDF,HTML or CSV. By @malike_st
Fluxxan - Fluxxan is an Android implementation of the Flux Architecture that combines concepts from both Fluxxor and Redux with minimal dependencies and support for Android SDK 8. By TheDumbTechGuy
Fluxxan4j - Fluxxan4j is a Pure Java 6 implementation of the Flux Architecture that combines concepts from both Fluxxor and Redux with no external dependencies. By TheDumbTechGuy
Folio - Folio is a Page based navigation framework for Android with a simplified lifecycle and easy transition animations. It's intended to fulfil a similar role to fragments while looking more like Activities. By TheDumbTechGuy
FancyMonkey - A video Streaming web app built with HTML, JavaScript and Nodejs. By Daniel Sogbey
Github User Search - iOS and Android app created with React Native that lets you search for a Github user by their username By @Mz_Chi
Go Kafka Alert - A Go application that feeds of data from Apache Kafka to send alerts via SMS,EMAIL or Webhook delivery channels. By @malike_st
GLab - A CLI Tool for creating and managing GitLab issues and merge requests. By @clems_dev
- Hubtel Payment (PHP) - The best and most comphrensive PHP Client for consuming the Hubtel Payment API and for sending and receiving Mobile Money Payment from a php application with an elegant Write as it sounds syntax. By @ovac4u
Internship Ghana - Simple node.js web app that scrapes and presents a list of internship opportunities in Ghana for students. Write as it sounds syntax. By @Rho_mheow
Is-Even - Return true if the given number is even. By @iteearmah
Laravel Hubtel Payment (Laravel ~5.0) - Laravel Hubtel Payment is a Laravel 5.* seamless integration of the OVAC Hubtel Payment php client for consuming the Hubtel Payment API and processing mobile-money transactions in a Laravel application. By @ovac4u
Laravel Routes to Postman Collection - A package that automatically generates postman collection from laravel api/web routes with a single artisan command. By @clems_dev
- MadeWithFirebase - A serverless AngularFirebase website to showcase applications built on top of Firebase. By @nkansahrexford
- Mazzuma D API - A Mazzuma mobile money payment API written in D programming language By @aberba
- MTN Mobile Money Open Api (PHP Package) - A wrapper for MTN mobile money Open API APIs for sending and receiving mobile money in php and laravel apps. By @patricpoba
- mNotify SMS (PHP Package) - A wrapper for mNotify.com's APIs for sending sms messages from php and laravel apps. By @patricpoba
- Number to Text (Ruby) - A Ruby gem for converting numbers to their text equivalent (e.g. 1000 = One Thousand) By @edemkumodzi
- News-API-Java - An wrapper for newsapi.org By @KwabenBerko
OpenWeatherMap-Android-Library - A wrapper for the openweathermap REST API By @KwabenBerko
OpenWeatherMap-sdk(Ruby on Rails) - A wrapper for the openweathermap REST API Ruby implementation By @Codesalley
- Pre School (Svelte) - A preschool learning application built with svelte By @silentworks
- Pre School (React) - A preschool learning application built with react By @_msbrime
- Pre School (Vue) - A preschool learning application built with vue By @Bbenhin
- Pre School (JAMstack) - A preschool learning application built with JAMstack By @theRealBraZee
- Programming Ideas 2 (Xamarin Android) - An app that provides programmers of all proficiency levels, ideas for pet projects to work on when they are looking to increase their proficiency in a particular programming language. By @mclint_
- PackageToMe - An upcoming peer-to-peer package delivery platform with a twist. By @nkansahrexford
RanString - A random string generator built with Javascript. By casprine_ix
Rapunzel - Animated high-resolution barcodes as a a workable mode of communication for sending data across an air gap. By @barnabasnomo and @sammoorhouse
Roidis - An object hash mapper written on top of Redis for .NET and .NET Core. Roidis is Redis on Steroids! Documentation is still WIP. By TheDumbTechGuy
Safety Tips Extension - This is a browser extension that displays safety tips for preventing the spread of pandemics like COVID-19 by @viclotana
Slackbot (Devcongress) - A slackbot for the DevCongress slack group that greets, tell jokes, announce events By @silentworks and @theRealBraZee
SmsBroadcastReceiver - An Android Broadcast Receiver Library For Capturing/Reading Incoming SMS. By @KwabenBerko
Tax Calculator - A tax calculator for Ghana to help people compute their net income, income tax. By @kessir_
Theodore - A facebook messenger bot that connects users with open source projects around them. By @barnabasnomo
TimetableGeneratorBackend - A Timetable generator backend solution that reduces timetable generation process from 3 weeks to 30minutes in secondary technical institutions in Ghana.[JUnit Tests With 75% Code Coverage, Factory Design Pattern,Singleton Design Pattern and Builder Design Pattern Implementation] By @ace_rbk
Trivial.Utility - A simple Nuget package library which contains helper methods that make performing simple task easy in .Net, C# By @dwakelKnight
twitterControl - A simple integration of twitter with the Arduino UNO to control a robot with tweets By @barnabasnomo
- USSD-PDU-Converters - PDU (Portable Data Unit) Converters implemented currently in Java and PHP. By TheDumbTechGuy
- Unifi-Guest-Bundle-Check - Allow users of your hotspot using the Unifi Controller with Voucher-based Authentication check their data bundle left. By @nkansahrexford
- Votable - A simple web app to create polls share and vote By @kiddbubu
- Vue Typewriter Effect - A Vue 3 wrapper of typewriter-effect. By @ayitinya
- WSDownloader - Ever watched a whatsapp status update and wish you could get that video or gif without pinging your friend? WSDownloader has got you covered. By @ace_rbk