Swidler Quiz App Documentation


Swidler Quiz App is a Node.js application that provides a backend API for quiz functionalities. This documentation provides steps to set up the app locally and details about the API endpoints.


  • Node.js and npm installed.
  • PostgreSQL installed and running.

Local Installation

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/VitaliyBogdanuk/swidler-quiz-app-server.git
    cd swidler-quiz-app-server
  2. Install Dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Setup PostgreSQL:

    • Ensure PostgreSQL is running.
    • Create a new database for the app.
    • Create your config/config.json file based on config/config_template.json
    • Update the config/config.json file with your database credentials.
    • Create your .env file based on .env_template
    • Update the .env file with your settings.
    • Ask your teamlead about GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET
  4. Run Migrations and Seeds:

    npm run db:migrate
    npm run db:seed

    You can use this command to drop the tables database, be carefull because all your data will be removed.

    npm run db:migrate:drop
  5. Start the App:

    npm run start
  6. Open browser and find Swagger API Documentation by URL: http://localhost:[your-port]/api-docs

Adding new Migrations

  1. Use this command for generating new migration

    npx sequelize-cli migration:generate --name create-[table-name]
  2. Use this command for generating new seed for table

    npx sequelize-cli seed:generate --name seed-[table-name]

API Documentation (Swagger)

To generate and view the Swagger documentation for the API:

  1. In your route files, add JSDoc comments to document your API endpoints. For example:

     * @swagger
     * /api/situations:
     *   get:
     *     description: Retrieve all situations
     *     responses:
     *       200:
     *         description: List of all situations
    router.get('/situations', ...);
  2. Start your app and navigate to http://localhost:[your-port]/api-docs to view the Swagger documentation.