
Start the project locally

1. Required to install

  • Java 8
  • H2 database

2. How to run

  1. You should create environmental variables that are defined in application-dev.properties

    All these variables you can set in Intellij Idea. For instance:

  2. If you did everything correctly, you should be able access swagger by this URL: http://localhost:8083/swagger-ui.html#/

3. How to work with swagger UI in our project

  1. Run the project (look up paragraph How to run).

  2. Use the following link to open Swagger UI: http://localhost:8083/swagger-ui.html#/

  3. Use POST method with /auth/sign-up to create an account

  4. Use POST method with /auth/sign-in to sign in. After entering the credentials you should receive access and refresh tokens

  5. Copy the given access token and put it into Authentication Header. Press Authorize button


    Insert the given token into input field. The scheme should be like this Bearer <given_token> . Press Authorize button
