
ZURB's "Foundation for Sites" for concrete5 (v7.x)

Primary LanguagePHP

concrete5 (v7.x) package with Foundation for Sites (Sass) frontend

Build Status devDependency Status

What you get:

A concrete 5 package ready to install containing some blocks, custom templates and the other stuff described below.

Compilation of Sass files and concatenating/minifying JavaScript files is done with Gulp.js, so we have a nice workflow here with file watching and browser live reload.


*   V-Card
*   Clearing Lightbox with custom templates
	- clearing featured image
	- block grid with file description
	- orbit slider
	- orbit slider with description

Custom templates

*	Custom Templates for the autonav block (core)
	- breadcrumbs
	- list without bullets
	- top bar
	- off canvas
	- top bar and off canvas (topbar on large, off canvas on medium and small)
	- side nav templates (one aligning left, the other right)
*	Call to action for content block (core)
*	Flex video for YouTube block (core)
*	Forms for form block (core)
*	Button postfix for search block (core)

Page templates and page types

* full
* left sidebar
* right sidebar

Thumbnail types

*	small
*	medium
*	clearing lightbox and
*	orbit slider

Core stuff used

*	File attribute 'Description' for showing captions
*	Picture element and picturefill.js are used for responsive images (image block and redactor)

Working with the package

  • Clone this repo into your /packages as "foundation_sites"
  • In packages/foundation_sites execute bower install and npm install
  • use gulp to develop your package
  • use gulp build --production to output minified CSS an JavaScript

Recommended tools


This package is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

The entypo icons by Daniel Bruce are licensed under CC BY 3.0.