
Hackaton of Lenta company at Skoltech

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Hackaton of Lenta company at Skoltech.

Team: Cookie Breakers

Our implementation plan according to the downloaded notebooks:

  1. Encoding part. Here we decided to get rid of hash data and exchange them by encoding ones in every table.
  2. Clustering part. This part include forming new features for our data from RFMV approach and applying clustering KMeans algo to the customer data with new one.
  3. Preparing to the model. Before starting to train the model, it's not a simple way how data can be processed in order to be input for model. This part is devoted to this task.
  4. Training and testing model. In this part we train and test our model, get metrics, such as Precision@k and Recall@k metrices.

**5. Notebook MostPopularGoods.ipynb contain extra calculus for business model.

For each part we prepared well-organized notebooks. Check them out!