
PangoCairo on the Web

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PangoCairo on the Web

docker build Docker Pulls gh-pages

Compile Cairo / Pango / PangoCairo based applications from C to WebAssembly?

Try it online (1.5 ~ 3.5 MB data transfer):

Cairo: https://vitovan.com/pango-cairo-wasm/hello-cairo.html

PangoCairo: The pthreads used by Pango requires Web Workers require extra HTTP HEADERS, and the workarounds would break other pages on my website. So, please download the files and serve them locally.


Hello Cairo

Hello Pango


Setup emcc & pkg-config

with pre-built Docker

alias emcc="docker run --rm --name pcwa -v $(pwd):/app -w=/app vitovan/pango-cairo-wasm emcc"
alias pkg-config="docker run --rm --name pcwa -v $(pwd):/app -w=/app vitovan/pango-cairo-wasm pkg-config"
# give it a try
emcc --help
pkg-config --libs --cflags pangocairo

build from source

This build.sh only compiles on Fedora 38 (due to the good old c2man dependency), if you can't get one, please use Docker to build.

git clone https://github.com/VitoVan/pango-cairo-wasm.git
cd pango-cairo-wasm
git submodule init
git submodule update
echo -e "export magicdir=$(pwd)\n$(cat env.sh)" > env.sh
bash build.sh

Wait for 20 minutes or more. If all went well, execute:

. env.sh
# give it a try
emcc --help
pkg-config --libs --cflags pangocairo

Compile C Code

Cairo with no pthread

export CAIRO_FLAGS="$(pkg-config --libs --cflags glib-2.0, gobject-2.0, cairo, pixman-1, freetype2, fontconfig, cairo, expat, harfbuzz) -s USE_SDL=2 -s USE_PTHREADS=0 -s ASYNCIFY"

curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VitoVan/pango-cairo-wasm/main/hello-cairo.c
emcc $CAIRO_FLAGS hello-cairo.c -o hello-cairo.html

PangoCairo with pthread

export PANGOCAIRO_FLAGS="$(pkg-config --libs --cflags glib-2.0, gobject-2.0, cairo, pixman-1, freetype2, fontconfig, cairo, expat, harfbuzz, pangocairo) -s USE_SDL=2 -s EMULATE_FUNCTION_POINTER_CASTS -s PTHREAD_POOL_SIZE=10 -s USE_PTHREADS=1 -s ASYNCIFY"
curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VitoVan/pango-cairo-wasm/main/hello-pangocairo.c
# get yourself the fonts
mkdir ./fonts
cd fonts
curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VitoVan/pango-cairo-wasm/main/fonts/OpenSans-VariableFont_wdth,wght.ttf
curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VitoVan/pango-cairo-wasm/main/fonts/OpenSans-Italic-VariableFont_wdth,wght.ttf
cd ..
# compile
emcc $PANGOCAIRO_FLAGS --embed-file ./fonts@/usr/share/fonts/ hello-pangocairo.c -o hello-pangocairo.html

Start the debug server

curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VitoVan/pango-cairo-wasm/main/wasm-server
chmod +x wasm-server

open the following links in your browser:


  • upgrade dependencies to newer version
  • make this script working on modern system (> Fedora 38)
  • make this script working on Debian-based system




I don't have time to fix my shit, and I don't have time to read your shit.

If you want to add anything to this repo, make sure:

  1. don't break the old working code, no matter how ugly it is.

  2. don't change the sub-module remote url, unless the upstream repo changed.

  3. don't add binaries.

  4. make sure your modified version just work, don't add any switches/options unless it is super necessary and discussed before writing them down.

    just work = no need to change this readme