
This project was developed during the web development course at Trybe. The project is a front end application inspired by the Super Trunfo cards game where the user can create his onw car theme cards.



Clone this repository

git clone

In the project's folder install the dependencies

npm install

Start the project

npm start

Now it should be running on your default browser


Create a card

Fill the form with the information:

  • Nome: card name
  • Descrição: Card description
  • Aceleração: Car acceleration
  • Velocidade: Car speed
  • Direção: Direction or mmaneuverability
  • Image: Enter an image url from anywhere in the internet
  • Raridade: Card rarity
  • Super Trunfo: If this card is the super trunfo check this option

After filling the form you must click 'Salvar' button to save.

You can see the saved cards scrolling down, where you can filter by card's name rarity and Super Trufo


The project could not be completed 100% in the time i had, as there were much more to study and projects to be carried out, so some features were never implemented. With time maybe i can go back to review this and add all the feats i had in mind but for now I'll leave a list with the features that were not implemented:

  • Filter by Rarity
  • Filter by Super Trunfo