Initialize it running "node ./setup.js". A TypeScript library boilerplate. Check types pretty strictly; generates CommonJS, ESM and UMD bundles with Rollup.js; setup unit tests with Jest; and generate docs from sources with Typedoc.
- 1
Execute scripts with bash instead
#9 opened by VitorLuizC - 0
- 1
Use GitHub Actions instead of Travis CI
#11 opened by VitorLuizC - 0
Replace Rollup with tsup
#10 opened by micalevisk - 0
Add process.env type declaration
#7 opened by VitorLuizC - 0
Rename base branch from master to main
#3 opened by VitorLuizC - 0
- 1
Use Jest instead of AVA
#2 opened by VitorLuizC - 1
Move ava settings to ava.config.js
#1 opened by VitorLuizC