This project represents hands-on study, based on the course Webflux by Pragmatic Code School.
The project is organized in four maven modules:
- reactor
- Understanding the basics concepts of Project Reactor
- ws-car-info
- Microservice built using Webflux and MongoDB (embedded)
- Endpoints implemented following Annotated Controller approach
- server port: 8081
- ws-car-review
- Microservice built using Webflux and MongoDB (embedded)
- Endpoints implemented following Functional Enpoints approach
- server port: 8082
- ws-car-service
- Microservice built using Webflux
- Endpoints implemented following Annotated Controller approach
- server port: 8080
cd studies-reactive/
mvn clean install
mvn spring-boot:run
Each project has a file called "curls.txt" with some curls samples to validate the endpoints.