
Project for activing FastROM on SNES games

Primary LanguageAssembly

 _____           _           _     ______        _   _____   ____  __  __ 
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               _/ |                                                       
 Version 1.40 |__/                                      by Vitor Vilela   

Project FastROM aims into optimizing the SNES games originally designed to run under SlowROM (2.68 MHz) to FastROM (3.58 MHz). FastROM allows the SNES CPU read data and opcodes from the ROM 33.58% faster compared to SlowROM.

Depending on the game, FastROM will make the game run about 10%-33% faster compared to the original SlowROM version. This depends on how frequent the game accesses the ROM chip, since the other componenets such as WRAM @ 2.68 MHz, PPU @ 3.58 MHz, DMA @ 2.68 MHz and SRAM @ 2.68 MHz will stay at the same speed.

The patches also features high reliability, since they're written with internal checkings to ensure the number of errors is minimal. Therefore Project FastROM can be used with low probability of game crashes compared to SA-1 Root.

Although FastROM helps making games run faster, there is no warrant that 100% of the slowdown is eliminated. Auxiliary patches or enhancements chips such as SA-1 might be needed to eliminated any remaining slowdown trace.

See also SA-1 Root, a project for eliminating slowdown from SNES games.

Games available

Super Castlevania IV

Patch version 1.1

FastROM removes most of the slowdown of Super Castlevania IV. Note that it's only compatible with the NTSC-US version of the game.

Download latest patch (BPS)

You can play the FastROM version with the Uncensored hack.

Apply the .asm file directly into the Uncensored ROM via Asar.

Source Code


Patch version 1.0

FastROM removes the majority of slowdown present. Normally slowdown still appears during boss or axelay destruction which a lot of particles appear.

This version is compatible with the NTSC-US version of the game.

Download latest patch (BPS)

Source Code


Patch version 1.0

FastROM removes all slowdown traces from the game. Although rare, slowdown can occur on F-Zero when there's over 5 vehicles at the same time.

The FastROM patch will benefit specially ROM hacks that adds more intensive modes or tracks and all F-Zero ROM hackers are welcome to use Project FastROM in their ROM hacks.

This version is compatible with the NTSC-US version of the game.

Download latest patch (BPS)

Source Code

U.N. Squadron

U.N. Squadron (also known as "Area 88").

FastROM removes most of the slowdown from the game. Some of the bosses may still have some slowdown, which will need the SA-1 chip for total slowdown removal.

This version is compatible with the NTSC-US version of the game.

CRC32 (original game): 231F0F67 SHA256 (original game): 0B155A54B6134601FC0791252A63CA73EFD522667C3D6FD7A44F5B3C500039D7

CRC32 (patched game): 25BDAF1F SHA256 (patched game): 10CFC2C04D6B31453DB20725749B74A6A7D0A40DA506AB15CF42EE5F21299827

Download latest patch (BPS)

Source Code


Special thanks for the following people that helped me directly, either testing or providing trace logs:

  • Catador
  • dogen
  • Erivando_BR
  • kccheng
  • Le Duc
  • Ethan Tabor
  • MidiRiots

Special thanks also for all my patrons from https://www.patreon.com/vitorvilela, specially for:

  • Fabio Akita
  • Frogamus Lewd
  • gunmakuma
  • Guy
  • Jake Mauer
  • kccheng
  • Matt Hargett
  • PsychoFox
  • sam


You can contact me though the following links: