The dataset can be also downloaded from the following link:
Below you can find Training/Testing Code for our anomaly Detection project which was published in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2018.
The implementation is tested using:
Keras version 1.1.0 or 1.0.7
Theano 1.0.2 or 1.0.3
Numpy 1.15.4
Python 3
Ubuntu 16.04
We used C3D-v1.0 ( with default settings as a feature extractor.
Directory custom_C3D_auxiliary_scripts contains scripts that automates the feature extraction into corresponding directories based on the category of each video.
Following contains step by step sequences on how to get this project up and running:
Step 1: Perform C3D Feature extractions onto the entirety of the input videos. Head over to the custom_C3D_auxiliary_scripts for more info.
- Output: C3D extracted features segregated accordingly based on category (Abuse, Arrest, Burglary, etc.) in blob (.fc6-1) format:
Step 2: Perform the averaging of the extracted C3D features into 32 segments, each with 4096 dimension of feature vector.
Run the Save_C3DFeatures_32Segments.m file
- Output: Averaged C3D extracted features segregated accordingly based on category (Abuse, Arrest, Burglary, etc.) in txt format (per each video):
Step 3: Based on the averaged C3D features, split it into train and test sets. Enter the Anomaly_Detection_splits directory and run the command:
- Output: 2 directories will be made, Train_Folder and Test_Folder. The former will contain 2 sub-directories (totalling up to 1610 samples), while the latter will contain 290 samples:
Step 4: Train the model by running the following command:
- Output: Saved the model & weights for every 1000 iterations.
Step 5: Test the trained model & weights via:
- Output: Will store the 32 predicted scores for those 290 samples in the Eval_Res/output_test_anomaly directory.
Step 6: Prepare necessary folders & files for evaluation. Run command below for automating the preparation of Videos (.mp4) & and C3D_extracted_features files (.fc6-1)
- Output: Automatically create 2 directories & populate them:
Step 7: Evaluate the test set via:
- Output: Will save the evaluation data (AUC in particular) in the Paper_Results directory.
Step 8: Visualize evaluation data by:
- Output: The AUC graph of evaluated results, in comparison with previous results based on the files in directory Paper_Results/
Anomaly_Detection_splits contains a Python script that will segregate inputs for training (Anomaly only, as Normal videos are already segregated during feature extraction) and testing.
Anomaly_Train.txt contains the video names for training anomaly detector
/Eval_Res/Temporal_Annotations/ contains ground truth annotations of the testing dataset.
The project page can be found at:
author = {Sultani, Waqas and Chen, Chen and Shah, Mubarak},
title = {Real-World Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos},
booktitle = {The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2018}