
Conflicts with development doing multiplatform

hdavid-bpg opened this issue · 1 comments

  • Conflicts arise when multiple plugins are used using similar plugins like LitJson.
    Platforms like...
    • Meta
    • Pico
  • Also I do not know why there was an ambiguous issue with Unity
    Assets\HTC.UnityPlugin\ViveInputUtility\Scripts\Editor\VRPlatformSettings\WaveVRSettings.cs(517,29): error CS0104: 'ListPool<>' is an ambiguous reference between 'UnityEngine.Rendering.ListPool' and 'HTC.UnityPlugin.Utility.ListPool'


Assets\HTC.UnityPlugin\ViveInputUtility\Scripts\Editor\VRPlatformSettings\WaveVRSettings.cs(531,21): error CS0019: Operator '>' cannot be applied to operands of type 'method group' and 'int'

Which Unity editor version did you use?
Could you list all the plugins you installed in your project?