
VIU Settings Oculus Android checkbox cannot be checked

chengnay opened this issue · 4 comments

I found out that VIU Settings Oculus Android checkbox cannot be checked when using Oculus Integration v47.
After changing OCULUS_XR_LOADER_NAME to OCULUS_XR_LOADER_CLASS_NAME can fix the issue.

Modify ViveInputUtility\Scripts\Editor\VRPlatformSettings\OculusGoSettings.cs line 529,
if (!XRPluginManagementUtils.IsXRLoaderEnabled(OculusVRModule.OCULUS_XR_LOADER_CLASS_NAME, requirdPlatform)) { return false; }

Seems the same issue applies with Oculus Desktop when using Oculus Integration v51. If you change OCULUS_XR_LOADER_NAME to OCULUS_XR_LOADER_CLASS_NAME in OculusSettings.cs on line 147. It seems to have fixed the issue.
File Location: ViveInputUtility\Scripts\Editor\VRPlatformSettings\OculusSettings.cs
Picture with fix implemented:

Thanks @chengnay your solution work for Android so I thought I would apply the same logic to the Windows side.

Edit: not sure if this fix is also necessary on line 482 of OculusVrModule.cs.
File Location: VRModule\Modules\OculusVRModule.cs
Picture with fix implemented:

Edit 2: Looks like on the Windows side it thinks I don't have the latest version of Oculus Integration even with this fix.

Hi @tenebris93,
Could you try updating your VIU to v1.18.1 to see if those issues above are fixed?

Hi @chengnay,
It looks like this fix isn't included in the v1.18.1 update. I still had to manually change all references of OCULUS_XR_LOADER_NAME to OCULUS_XR_LOADER_CLASS_NAME in order for the checkbox to show as clicked.

Hi @tenebris93,
I will double check again internally.
Sorry for the inconvenience.