
A telegram bot to fetch anime, manga and character info.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A telegram bot to fetch anime, manga, character info from MAL.


  • JikanPy
    pip3 install jikanpy

  • Pyrogram
    pip3 install pyrogram

Or use:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Available Commands

Commands Description
/start Starts the bot.
/help Help regarding the bot.
/anime <query> Returns anime results from MAL.
/manga <query> Returns manga results from MAL.
/character <query> Returns characters results from MAL.
/mal_id <unique_id> Returns results using ID.
/schedule <day> Returns airing schedule.

Set Up

Clone and download the repository. Install above listed dependencies and put your credentials in config.py.
Run the bot using python3 -m bot.

Deploying on Heroku

  • Clone and download the repository.
  • Get your telegram api_id and api_hash from here and put them in config.py.
  • Get bot_token from BotFather and put them in config.py.
  • Download HerokuCLI and create an app from the dashboard.
  • Navigate inside the directory where all the repo files are present and run the following commands.
    heroku login
    heroku git:remote -a <appname>
    git init
    git add .
    git commit -am "deploying"
    git push heroku master

Note: Pass the api_id as an integer.