HOUND Blog Website using MERN stack

Primary LanguageJavaScript

"Discover the World of HOUND: A MERN-Stack Blogging Platform for Your Adventures"

Blogging Application

This is a full-stack Blogging application built using MERN stack by a team of 2. The application loads data from a MongoDB database and displays them using React and MUI ( front-end ), NodeJs and ExpressJS ( back-end ).

Vercel link of our project: https://hound-frontend-service.vercel.app/

  • Note:
    • The website may experience a delay in loading, especially if it has been inactive for a while. The backend is deployed in a free-tier environment, and due to inactivity, the server may take a few seconds to spin up. We appreciate your patience.
    • Thank you for your understanding and support!

Tech Stack

  • MongoDB
  • Express.js
  • ReactJS
  • Node.js
  • MUI

Here are screenshots that show the application in use.

Landing Page

The Home Page displays blogs of various categories with Options of filters.

Sign Up Page

Welcome to Our Sign Up page,

Sign In Page

Welcome to Our Sign Ip page,

Profile Page

This page displays Information about User's Blogs, Followers, Following, And Statistics of likes & comments

Single Blog page

This page displays the full information of blog including category, Author. User can Like and Comment on Blog

Visited Author page

This page displays the information of Author And his blogs. User can Follow Author

Create Blog Page

This page displays the blog Editor. User can fill the information and can publish the blog

My account Page

In this page User can update Profile Image as well as Social media links. User can change the password

Team Members