
Tracking expenses accurately can be a real headache for roommates / co-workers - especially if you have a "kanjoos". Today there are quite a few apps (mobile or web) that allow you to do this, but we want to see your take on this problem.

Your task is to build a simple (yet functional) Expense Manager app using Ember.js. Remember we are going to evaluate you on the following parameters:

  • How you think and how creative you are
  • How you code - structure, comments, and efficiency
  • And how quickly can you learn

We have included a few graphics to get you started below. Be creative in your approach.

Add New Member

Add New Member

Add New Expense

Add New Expense

Summary Sheet

Summary Sheet

If you are going for the kill and you really want to wow us:

  1. Data Visualization
  2. Options like Print, Export to xls etc
  3. Server Side Synchronization

Starting with Ember

Final Words

When you are done, please just create a pull request on this repo. We would like you to come in and present your code to the whole team.

May the force be with you!