- Basic Python:
(Some Good Places to pick up Basic Python quickly)
- https://www.learnpython.org -Interactive python Tutorials
- https://python.swaroopch.com
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfscVS0vtbw - A 4 hour long basic python course
- Have you ever wondered how Amazon, eBay suggest items for you to buy?
- How Gmail filters your emails in the spam and non-spam categories?
- How Netflix predicts the shows of your liking?
Data science is all about using data to solve problems.
So, the core job of a data scientist is to understand the data, extract useful information out of it and apply this in solving the problems.
- Problem Formulation: Understanding the Business Problem and formulating it with Data
- Data Collection: Collect the relevant Data that you wanted to solve the problem
- Data Cleaning/Quality Check: Cleaning the datasets to ensure good quality data without errorneous data points
- Statistical Description: To plot and solve for uni-variate and multivariate statistical points
- Exploratory Data Analysis: Exploring Data with plots and understanding the distribution and other important information about the plots
- Machine Learning: Creating Models on the Data to give some predicted value
- Statistical Inference: Infer the statistical significance of your model and its performance,go back and create better models if required
- Decision Making: Make Decisions backed by the Inferences from your model and data
- Numeric Prediction: Eg: How much sales should I expect this year
- Classification: Eg: Is this Email Spam or not?(Yes/No)
- Detection of Structure within data(Clustering): Eg: Can a company detect segments in its customers
- Anomaly Detection: Eg: Which products on the assembly line are faulty?
- Intelligent Decision Making Eg: Autonomous Cars
- Structured Data
Highly Organized datasets
- Numeric - Numeric Continuous
- Categorical - Factor/Level/Class Variables
- TimeSeries - Numeric Variables with TimeStamps
- Network - Nodes and Connections
- Unstructured Data
Highly Unorganized and Contextual
- Text
- Image
- Voice
- Video
After This Brief Introduction to Data Science, We jump in to get our hands dirty by a Small Data Science Project of our own!
- First thing to do: Go download the Dataset from Here.
- Next, make sure you have all Python3 and these libraries installed:
- numpy
- pandas
- matplotlib
- seaborn
- sklearn
- jupyter notebooks If not, heres how to install: pip on windows /pip on mac and linux then just use pip/pip3 install packageName to install the package
- Clone the repository and follow the Python Notebook to successfully build your first machine learning model!
If I've managed to pique your interest in the subject, you can go ahead and try to read articles on Medium's Towards Data Science Section. Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty in some competitions on Kaggle too!
Finally, If you want a more theoretical base to Machine Learning, you can try Andrew Ng's Machine Learning on Coursera!