Ecommerce Sentiment Analysis and Review Processing using Python and SQL

In this project, an e-commerce platform dataset was analyzed. The dataset was aimed to be cleaned, and the given dataset was analyzed to mine informational insights using Python and MySQL.

Project Description

The project aimed to conduct a comprehensive analysis of an e-commerce platform using the provided dataset. The dataset contained information about the products, customer reviews, purchase history, seller details, categories, and other relevant details. Valuable insights about customer behavior, popular products, seller performance, customer satisfaction, and overall platform performance were sought to be uncovered through various data analysis techniques.

Module 1: Data Cleaning

Task 1 Load the data

Task 2 Find the duplicate values

Task 3 Remove the duplicate values

Task 4 Find the null values

Task 5 Remove the null values

Task 6 Renaming the column names

Module 2: Sentiment Analysis

Task 1 Find the sentiment of the review

Task 2 Processing the review

Task 3 Exporting the cleaned dataset

Task 4 Generate tables using the cleaned dataset

Module 3: SQL Queries

Task 1 How many values are there in the given dataset?

Task 2 Find out the unique brands in the given dataset

Task 3 Retrieve all records from the 'ecommerce' table where the brand is 'Amazon'.

Task 4 Retrieve all records from the 'ecommerce' table where the product reviews contain the word 'good' in their text.

Task 5 Provide a list of all products and their corresponding details from the 'ecommerce' table that belong to the 'Electronics' category

Task 6 Retrieve all records from the 'ecommerce' table where the products are categorized under 'Electronics' as their primary category and the brand is 'Flipkart'.

Task 7 Provide a summary of the number of positive and negative sentiments for each primary category in the 'ecommerce' table.

Task 8 Retrieve all records from the 'ecommerce' table where the sentiment in the product reviews is classified as 'positive'.

Task 9 Provide a summary report for each brand in the 'ecommerce' table, including the total number of positive and negative sentiments in product reviews, the total number of reviews, and the percentage of positive and negative sentiments for each brand.

Task 10 Retrieve a count of products for each primary category in the 'ecommerce' table

Task 11 Retrieve all records from the 'ecommerce' table where the product name contains the word 'Tablet' as a substring

Task 12 Count the number of product reviews in the 'ecommerce' table where the text contains the word 'Alexa' as a substring.