Restful API for Online eCommerce Application using SpringBoot and Reactjs for frontEnd with Spring Security with JWT Implementation
An eCommerce Application backend with Java Spring Boot with frontend using the Reactjs
- Welcome to the documentation for the Ecommerce API, a powerful RESTful API for an Online eCommerce Application developed using Spring Boot, Spring Security with JWT implementation, and React for the frontend. This API provides comprehensive endpoints to support various features of an Ecommerce Application.
Deployed link:
- Java
- Spring Framework
- Spring Boot
- JavaScript
- React
- Spring Data JPA
- Hibernate
- MySQL (DataBase)
- Swagger
- Spring Security
- JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- BCrypt
- Maven
- Axios
- User registration and login with JWT authentication
- Password encryption using BCrypt
- Role-based authorization with Spring Security for user and admin
- Customized access denied handling
- User Module
- Admin Module
To get started with this project, you will need to have the following installed on your local machine:
- JDK 17+
- Maven 3+
To install this application, run the following commands:
git clone
cd eCommerce-Application
This will get a copy of the project installed locally. To configure all of its dependencies and start each app, follow the instructions below.
Once MySQL is installed you must configure a username and password. By default the user and password should be root
. If not, you must configure in the file application.configure
located in the path src/main/resources/
In the file application.configure
you must edit the parameters spring.datasource.username
and spring.datasource.password
with the values you defined.
mvnw spring-boot:run
## API Root Endpoint with Swagger Documentation
- To Get Access as admin , you have to use below query for register the admin for the first time in MySQL databse folling are details below
step:1 use ecomdb;
INSERT INTO users (email, password, first_name, last_name, phone_number,user_role,user_account_status) VALUES ('', 'admin@1234', 'Admin', 'Admin', '9999999999',ROLE_ADMIN,ACTIVE);
step:3 Admin Login using credetials ,now you are ready to do all aldmin operation
## Admin Access point :- On Footer section rightSide (Admin Access) at Landing / Home PAge
## For Running frontend in Local Machine
- Getting Started
* Before you can run the React frontend, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your machine:
* Node.js: Ensure you have Node.js installed.
### Installation
- Once you have the prerequisites in place, follow these steps to install the required packages for the React frontend:
- Open your terminal and navigate to the root directory of the React frontend project. This is the directory where you find the package.json file.
- Run the following command to install all the necessary packages:
npm install
- This command will download and install all the dependencies listed in the package.json file.
### Running the Application
- To run the React frontend locally, follow these steps:
- Open your terminal and navigate to the root directory of the React frontend project.
- Run the following command to start the development server:
npm start
Open your web browser and navigate to the following URL:
You should now see the React frontend of the Ecommerce Application running locally.
This project uses the following open source libraries: