
List of Deep Learning Cloud Providers

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Ever had a laptop 💻 which is not powerful enough to run your models , forget about it and use Cloud GPUs ☁️ to train your model faster and cheaper cuz its raining 💦 Cloud GPUs

  • Also get to know where you can deploy your model to serve millions of people

  • 🆕 List of MLOps Platforms for complete Machine Learning LifeCycle ♻️

  • Check out the free credits and Perks/offer section to get some free gpu hours

Last updated : 13 February 2020

# Cloud vendor Website Pricing Free Trial / Free Credits
1 Google Colaboratory ❤️ https://colab.research.google.com FREE FREE FOREVER*
2 Kaggle Kernels https://www.kaggle.com FREE FREE FOREVER*
3 Alibaba cloud https://alibabacloud.com Pay as you go $300 credits
4 AWS Sagemaker https://aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/ pricing 🏷️ Free plans
5 Azure https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/services/machine-learning-studio/ pricing 🏷️ $200 credits
6 Cirrascale http://www.cirrascale.com pricing 🏷️ -
7 Cloudalize https://www.cloudalize.com pricing 🏷️ -
8 Clusterone https://clusterone.com pricing 🏷️ $25 Sign up credit
9 Crestle https://crestle.ai pricing 🏷️ -
10 DataCrunch https://datacrunch.io V100 at $0.69/h Fast.ai Special Discount
11 Dataiku https://www.dataiku.com - Free Plans
12 Deep Cognition https://deepcognition.ai pricing 🏷️ Desktop version free to use
13 Deepnote https://www.deepnote.com/ Currently in Beta -
14 Exoscale https://www.exoscale.com/gpu/ pricing 🏷️ -
15 FloydHub https://www.floydhub.com pricing 🏷️ Free 2 GPU powerups in 14 days trial plan
16 Genesis Cloud https://www.genesiscloud.com/ 1080Ti at $0.30/hour 166 free GPU hours
17 Golem https://golem.network - -
18 Google Cloud Platform https://cloud.google.com/gpu/ pricing 🏷️ $300 credits
19 GPUeater https://gpueater.com pricing 🏷️ -
20 Hostkey https://hostkey.com/dedicated-servers/gpu/ GPU from 90 euros/month Free trials available
21 IBM Cloud https://www.ibm.com/cloud/gpu Pay as you go $200 credits
22 Jarvis Labs https://jarvislabs.ai/ RTX 5000 at $0.49/hr Fast.ai Special Discount
23 Lambda Labs https://lambdalabs.com/service/gpu-cloud 4x Pascals start at $1.50/hr -
24 Leadergpu https://www.leadergpu.com pricing 🏷️ -
25 Neuro Ai https://www.neuro-ai.co.uk/ £2.50/h (only pay for training/inference time) £100 credits
26 Nimblebox https://nimblebox.ai pricing 🏷️ Free $10 worth of cloud credits
27 Nvidia cloud Nvidia Cloud GPU - -
28 Omnisci https://www.omnisci.com pricing 🏷️ 14 day free trial
29 Onepanel https://www.onepanel.io pricing 🏷️ -
30 One Stop System https://www.onestopsystems.com - -
31 Overture https://www.overture.ai - Free credits on signup
32 Paperspace https://www.paperspace.com pricing 🏷️ Referal Program Available
33 puzl.ee https://puzl.ee/gpu-cloud 2080Ti at 0.29EUR/h Free cloud Kubernetes API, up to 10 GPUs per pod
34 Q Blocks https://www.qblocks.cloud/ $20 package ~ 100 GPU hours Free 20 Compute Hours for Early access
35 Rapid Switch https://www.rapidswitch.com pricing 🏷️ -
36 Rendsolve https://rendsolve.com pricing 🏷️ -
37 Salamander https://salamander.ai pricing 🏷️ -
38 Snark https://snark.ai pricing 🏷️ -
39 Spell https://spell.run/developers pricing 🏷️ $10 GPU credit on signup
40 Valohai https://valohai.com pricing 🏷️ Free trial avaliable
41 Vast.ai https://vast.ai pricing 🏷️ -
42 Vector Dash (gaming) https://vectordash.com - Free 7 day plan
43 vscaler https://www.vscaler.com On Request -

Deploy your model as a Web app

Have an idea and want to serve to world 🌎 , create a Webapp and deploy it as a flask , Django etc

# Vendor Website Pricing Free Trial / Free Credits
1 Deta https://www.deta.sh/ pricing 🏷️ Free plan available
2 Digital Ocean https://www.digitalocean.com Pay as you go Free $100 credits with github student pack
3 Glitch https://glitch.com - -
4 Heroku https://www.heroku.com pricing 🏷️ Free plan (model<500MB)
5 PythonEverywhere https://www.pythonanywhere.com/ pricing 🏷️ Free Beginner Account Available
6 Render https://render.com pricing 🏷️ -
7 Streamlit For Teams https://www.streamlit.io/ pricing 🏷️ Currently in Beta ( Streamlit Cloud Tool )
8 Zeit https://zeit.co pricing 🏷️ Free plan available

MLOps Platforms

A Beautiful marriage 💍 between Machine Learning and DevOps ( A Match Made in Heaven )

Working on Serious Enterprise Level projects that has potential to serve millions of people and make 💰 , leave it to the power ⚡ of DevOps to manage your Machine Learning LifeCycle

# Project / Platform Website Pricing Free Trial / Free Credits
1 Allegro https://www.allegro.ai/ pricing 🏷️ - for enterprise Open Source & Enterprise Version
2 Iguazio https://www.iguazio.com/mlops/ - 14 Day Free Trial
3 Algorithmia https://algorithmia.com/ pricing 🏷️ -
4 Amazon Sagemaker https://aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/ pricing 🏷️ Available for free as part of AWS Free Tier
5 MLFlow https://mlflow.org/ - Open Source :octocat:
6 DataRobot https://www.datarobot.com/platform/mlops/ - $500 of free usage credits across products
7 Google Cloud AI Platform https://cloud.google.com/ai-platform/ pricing 🏷️ -
8 Gradient from Paperspace https://gradient.paperspace.com/ pricing 🏷️ Free GPUs by Gradient
9 Ezmeral from HP Solution from HP -
10 Flyte https://flyte.org/ - Open Source :octocat: Link
11 Seldon Core https://www.seldon.io/tech/products/core/ - -
12 Cnvrg https://cnvrg.io/platform/mlops/ pricing 🏷️ -
13 Akira.ai https://www.akira.ai/mlops-platform/ pricing 🏷️ -
14 Neu.ro https://neu.ro/ - -
15 Algo https://www.algomox.com/mlops/ - Free Edition Available
16 MLOps.Cloud https://www.mlops.cloud/ pricing 🏷️ -
17 KubeFlow ( for k8s ) https://www.kubeflow.org/ - Open Source :octocat: Link

Perks and offers

If you are a student or researcher you can get extra credts , contact the provider

  • Paperspace provides $10 of free Gradient° credit fast.ai link
  • Do you have a GPU lying around rent your machine to Earn money using Vast.ai*
  • Test Drive Nvidia GPU link
  • Google Cloud Research program - gives $5000+ credits link
  • AWS Cloud Credits for Research -link
  • Nvidia GPU Grant Program- link
  • If you are a Startup then google has you covered wth Startup Program giving you credits from $1000 to $100000 - link
  • Google giving cluster of 1000 TPUs to researcher In total, this cluster delivers a total of more than 180 petaflops of raw compute power! techcrunch link - application link
  • Google cloud Education Grant - link
  • Github Education pack - along with many offers has upto $110 credits for AWS - link
  • Watch out on fast.ai Forums to get coupon code for free credits
  • Valohai gives you an researcher license for students and researchers
  • Want to use a Super Computer but don't have one, go for Golem - Golem is a decentralized marketplace for computing power. It enables CPUs and GPUs to connect in a peer-to-peer network, enabling both application owners and individual users to rent resources from other users machines, so turbo charge your next model training.
  • Hostkey provides grants for research, startups and competition winners link

* Notes

  • Google colab and Kaggle kernels have limited session time

  • Most of the gpu providers run on top of AWS , GCP etc so may have more or less same pricing as the latter

  • Information given above is best to my searching ability , you may recheck with the provider for pricing and other info

  • license

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