
Minecraft Spigot plugin for working with Display entities

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

todo: review readme & ensure up to date


Displayer is a spigot plugin for managing Display entities in your Minecraft server.


  • display editing w/ rotation, position, and size.
  • display editing gui
  • WIP display groups
  • WIP armor stand conversion

Startup Guide

Step 1: Create a Display

  1. Position Yourself: Stand (and face) in the location where you want the display to appear, and hold the item you wish to display.

  2. Execute Command: Use the command /display create [item | block]. You should see a display right where your head is, if you back up.

Step 2: Manipulate it with the display tools

Once the display is created, use the following items to manipulate it: (these will probably be moved to a config file at some point)

  • Lead: movement tool, for movement and yaw rotation. Move your player while holding it to carry your display alongside. Rotating left and right does the same to your display.
  • Spectral Arrow: rotation tool, for pitch and roll rotations. Turn your camera to rotate your display.
  • Blaze Rod: scaling tool. move in a positive direction to enlarge your display, or in a negative direction to shrink it.

Additional Tips

  • GUI Interface: Use /display gui to access a gui for precise adjustments to position, rotation, and size.

  • Display Groups: Experiment with /displaygroup commands to group displays together for coordinated manipulation. This needs more details.

  • Destroy Command: In case of mistakes, you can use /display destroy to remove a display or group of displays.


General Commands:

  • /display create <item | block> [atSelected]: Create a new display of the specified type, optionally at a previously selected display.

    • Example: /display create
    • Example 2: /display create block atSelected
  • /display destroy [<nearby> <maxCount> <radius>]: Destroy display(s).

    • Example: /display destroy
    • Example 2: /display destroy nearby 5
  • /display closest [<radius>]: Select the closest display.

    • Example: /display closest
    • Example 2: /display closest 10
  • /display nearby [<radius>]: List nearby displays.

    • Example: /display nearby
    • Example 2: /display nearby 15
  • /display gui: Open a graphical user interface for display management.

    • Example: /display gui
  • /display help: Display plugin help.

    • Example: /display help

Advanced Display Commands:

  • /advdisplay setrotation <yaw> <pitch> [<roll>]: Set the rotation for the selected display.

    • Example: /advdisplay setrotation 90 45
  • /advdisplay changerotation <yawOffset> <pitchOffset> [<rollOffset>]: Change the rotation for the selected display.

    • Example: /advdisplay changerotation 5 10
  • /advdisplay setposition <x> <y> <z>: Set the position for the selected display.

    • Example: /advdisplay setposition 10 20 30
  • /advdisplay changeposition <xOffset> <yOffset> <zOffset>: Change the position for the selected display.

    • Example: /advdisplay changeposition -2 0 5
  • /advdisplay setsize <size>: Set the size for the selected display.

    • Example: /advdisplay setsize 2
  • /advdisplay changesize <sizeOffset>: Change the size for the selected display.

    • Example: /advdisplay changesize -0.5
  • /display rename <name>: Set the name for a given display.

    • Example: /display rename DisplayeyMcDisplayFace
  • /advdisplay details: Get details about the selected display.

    • Example: /display details

Display Group Commands:

  • /displaygroup parent <parentName>: Sets the parent of the selected display.

    • Example: /displaygroup parent TheTableYouSetThisLampDisplayOn
  • /displaygroup unparent: Unsets the parent of the selected display.

    • Example: /displaygroup unparent
  • /displaygroup copypaste: Copies and pastes the hierarchy of the selected display at the player's current location. Not functional at the time of writing this.

    • Example: /displaygroup copypaste
  • /displaygroup rotate <xRotation> <yRotation> <zRotation>: Rotates the entire group for the selected display.

    • Example: /displaygroup rotate 0 90 0
  • /displaygroup translate <xTranslation> <yTranslation> <zTranslation>: Translates the entire group for the selected display.

    • Example: /displaygroup translate 5 0 -3
  • /displaygroup show: Highlights the display group selected.

    • Example: /displaygroup show


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See .\LICENSE for details.