
UIAN - the Unified Industrial Automation Namespace Project

MIT LicenseMIT


Welcome to UIAN - the Unified Industrial Automation Namespace Project. There are a lot of different protocols and ways to move buckets of data from point A to point B. What is not always easy is moving that data with the necessary context. When industrial programmers create context around their data it is not always the same as someone else's and it is not always the same project to project or client to client. We hope to simplify that.

The UIAN project will give industrial programmers a place where they can collaborate on what basic object structures will look like and what the context tags should be named. The end result will be some simple object notation that can be used in PLC programming projects, in data mapping (using MQTT/Sparkplug B or HTTP REST/JSON), and in HMI projects (Ignition, ClearSCADA, etc.).


  1. Level 5 and deeper tag names should be written in PascalCase.

Contributing to the Project

The project is open to everyone. Please 'clone the repo' and make contributions.

We have setup a Slack workspace. Access slack at https://unified-namespace.slack.com. If you cannot join without an invitation please email Dustin Symes at dustin@jpisolutions.ca to get an invite.


The project is setup with the MIT license for flexibility and ease of use. This means that you can use the information and code samples here in your commercial projects.