Fader is a lightweight, no-dependency fading carousel. Built using ES6 and compiled with Rollup and Buble. Fader aims to provide a lightweight and easy solution to image and HTML carousels. Should you wish to extend the functionality of Fader then please create a pull request.
I'm aware that there are quite a few carousel and slider libraries. THey all seem to provide way too much functionality for what I need or depend on jQuery. In most cases I don't want / need jQuery and find it difficult to find a suitable, lightweight solution. So, I made one.
I haven't tested the browser compatability with this package, so please report any issues with modern and popular browsers.
You can either install via the releases section on this repository. Alternativly use NPM or Bower.
npm install --save faderjs
bower install --save faderjs
Start by including the script tag, either as part of your build workflow or at the end of your body
<script src="path/to/fader.js"></script>
You then need to use the required markup, the containing element can be anything as long as a ul
and li
is used for the slides.
<div id="example">
<li><h1>Slide 1</h1></li>
<li><h1>Slide 2</h1></li>
<li><h1>Slide 3</h1></li>
<li><h1>Slide 4</h1></li>
Then instantiate a new Fader instance.
var slider = new Fader('#example', options);
Fader has some options to change how it behaves and the easing / timings used. These options are below.
Option name | Description | Default | Type |
width | This is the width of the slider. The keyword 'full' is also allowed, which translates to 100%. | 'full' | Number (String if 'full' is used) |
height | This is the height of the slider. The keyword 'full' is also allowed, which translates to 100%. | 400 | Number (String if 'full' is used) |
wait | The time to wait before transitioning to the next slide. This is in milliseconds. | 3000 | Number |
transitionTime | The time the transition lasts between slides. This is in milliseconds. | 500 | Number |
ease | The easing method to use for the transition. This supports any CSS3 easing method supported by the transition property. | ease-in-out | String |
loop | Does the slider loop when it reaches the end? | false | Boolean |
If you would like to contribute then please either create a bug report or a pull request. If your feature is suitable for the core and aim of this library, then it may be merged in.