iOS Playbook 📚

At Babylon, we firmly believe that transparency is a core value that should be present in everything we do. In this playbook you can learn about who we are and our ways of working.

Who are we?

We're organised in Squads. Each squad can be composed of people from Engineering (iOS, Android, Web, Backend), Design and Product.

Some of the roles are transverse to all the squads:

Chapter Leads Viorel Mihalache@viorel15@viorelMO

The rest of the iOS Engineers work in the following squads:

Updating and maintaning our partner apps.
Simon Cass@scass91@codercass
Overview of your health using a 3D body model (avatar).
Emese Toth@emeseuk
Help members manage and sustain a healthy lifestyle.
Javier Hernández@jaherhi
Real-Time Matching
To increase average appointment per hour per clinician.
Adam Borek@TheAdamBorek@TheAdamBorek
Chatbot functionality.
Viorel Mihalache@viorel15@viorelMO
Native Apps
Updating and maintaning our native apps.
Marcin Galus@marcingalus

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The Babylon health iOS team