- 1
Dataset Structure
#45 opened by arkaghosh566 - 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
OSNet Support ?
#39 opened by Nas-Azzam - 1
how to run the models against a video?
#40 opened by frandoLin - 5
Simple demo
#26 opened by su850131 - 10
Feature extractor!
#27 opened by debenton - 1
Attention Heatmap Visualization
#37 opened by yimingz1218 - 1
Shape different between pif and paf
#38 opened by onvungocminh - 1
#36 opened by zedsharifi - 11
python scripts/ --source ./ABSK
#21 opened by y1b2h3 - 1
About test Occluded-ReID datasets
#34 opened by xiaoxiaowannote - 0
p_duke training error
#33 opened by 1024AILab - 0
- 8
shape error
#30 opened by 1024AILab - 9
- 0
- 1
ONNX export?
#29 opened by MatUhrin - 4
Feature extraction - improving comparison
#28 opened by debenton - 0
#25 opened by gao1qiang - 0
#24 opened by gao1qiang - 7
market 数据集
#23 opened by NEU-VIOP - 0
about my heat map
#22 opened by gao1qiang - 0
Hello, Vladimir ;How to solve this problem, thanks
#20 opened by y1b2h3 - 3
Mask generator
#8 opened by bmquynhlinh - 4
python scripts of human parsing labels
#7 opened by greatkos - 2
implementation of bpbreid
#9 opened by blessedDS - 1
- 1
- 4
The code for Features for Multi Target Multi Camera Tracking and Re Identification in Awesome-ReID is missing
#15 opened by ximuaaa - 1
- 3
About BodyPartAttentionLoss
#19 opened by zhaojieting - 2
Occluded-REID and P-DukeMTMC-reID datasets!
#17 opened by matrxsoftware - 4
A mismatch between the number of classes in the preds tensor and the num_classes parameter in the Accuracy
#14 opened by matrxsoftware - 9
- 1
Non-existent config key
#6 opened by myadegar - 2
- 4
#3 opened by shahdloo - 2
Trained models
#4 opened by mikel-brostrom - 1
About generating human parsing labels
#2 opened by hh23333 - 3
About Code
#1 opened by liudapeng2333