[ECCV24] Keypoint Promptable Re-Identification: SOTA ReID method robust to occlusions and multi-person ambiguity
- ahmedshoaibBirmingham
- aieveryday
- AmirMansurianImage Processing Lab
- AreChenChengDu
- devlees
- electroendjneer
- geri-papp
- hnhbcc
- ifitsmanuNew York
- jamarmaMadrid, Spain
- JeffCarpenterCanada
- keeganheilmanlas vegas, nevada
- kennyvoo
- leyangjinNational University of Singapore
- lorenzo-stacchio@unimc
- Matt-DinhBecamex IDC
- maxingan2412University of Bonn
- mblykУкраїна
- naomichoy
- onuralpszrFedora Project
- PDS99
- pradip-sttv
- pythonzz0622Vivity AI
- qyhsxdxMacau
- rolson24Dartmouth College
- samuelluz
- shuguang-52Tongji University
- sturkmen72turkey
- TheLorma200
- tianxingyzxq
- Varun-GPFrontera Health Inc.
- VlSomers
- xalil8Diatics
- yanggao2000
- yasaminborhani
- ychoi-atopATOP CLOUD