
A reactive frontend view-model framework based on jQuery.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The world's easiest reactive frontend view-model framework based on jQuery.

中文文档 English

🙉 What's all the jQvm?

JQvm is a library, a jQuery plugin, a frontend reactive view-model framework, which helps JavasScript developers who are familiar with jQuery code more quickly. Boring with React, Vue? Want to taste reactive programming in frontend? Believe me, if you have learned jQuery, you can setup a small application in 10 seconds!

🚀 Install

npm i jqvm

With modules system.

import jQuery from 'jquery'
import { useJQuery } from 'jqvm'

const $ = useJQuery(jQuery)

You can use cdn of unpkg.

<script src="https://unpkg.com/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/jqvm/dist/jqvm.min.js"></script>

⚡ Fast implementation

There is a small demo, you can try it online.

step 1: template

You should define your template in your html.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<template id="app">
  <div class="title">{{title}}</div>

step 2: initialize

You should create scripts like this:

<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="jqvm.js"></script>

    .vm({ title: 'Default Title' })


import jQuery from 'jquery'
import { useJQuery } from 'jqvm'

const $ = useJQuery(jQuery)
  .vm({ title: 'Default Title' })

step 3: bind event listeners

Unlike vue.js, you should must bind event listeners in script, not in template.

    .vm({ title: 'Default Title' })
    .on('click', '.title', state => {
      state.title = 'New Title'

Here, you call the on method and pass a action function to change state, and the view will be rerendered.



import {
} from 'jqvm'

Or in browser:

const {
} = window.jqvm
  • component(name:string, compile:function, affect:function): global component register function
  • directive(name:string, compile:function, affect:function): global directive register function
  • filter(name:string, formatter:function): global filter register function
  • View: view constructor
  • useJQuery: you can use another version jquery by invoke this


JQVM is a jQuery plugin first at all, you should use code like this:

const view = $('#app').vm(initState)

JQVM will treat html string in #app as template, so, it is recommended to use template tag to define template.

The return value is a view object which has methods:

  • on(event, selector?, action): bind an action, notice that action function is different from jQuery.fn.on callback function, I will detail later
  • once(event, selector?, action): refer to jQuery's one
  • off(event, selector?, action?): unbind listener which is bound by on
  • mount(el?): mount view into DOM
  • unmount(): unmount view from DOM, vm is unusable until you invoke mount again
  • destroy(): unmount and clear bound actions, after you destroy, you can mount again, but actions should be bound again
  • update(nextState?): rerender, you can pass new state into update(), the new state will be merge into old state like react setState does.
  • find(selector): same as $.fn.find, select elements in view container
  • component(name, compile, affect): register component only for this vm
  • directive(name, compile, affect): register directive only for this vm
  • filter(name, formatter): register formatter only for this vm
  • fn(name, action?, patch?): register a function on view, when you not pass func, it means you want to get the function, action is the same usage as on

The mount method can receive a selector or a jquery element.

const template = `
  .vm({ title: 'xxx' })
  .mount('div#app') // mount view to div#app

When selector is passed into mount, the view will be rendered in the target element (replace with innerHTML). If selector is not passed, you should select a element in DOM and the view will be rendered after the selected element (as the beginning code does).

fn define a new function on view:

$(..).vm({ .. })
  .fn('fnName', (state, ...args) => (e) => {
  .fn('doSome', (state) => (xx) => {
  }, true)
  .on('click', '.some', function() {

Now, let's look into action detail.

// a function which return a inner function
// state: the current state in vm
// ...args: those bind on fn in template
function action(state, ...args) {
  const view = this // you can do like `view.unmount()`

  state.some = 'next' // `some` should be exisiting in state, and this will trigger rerendering later
  // if `some` is not in state, you should MUST use `state.$set('some', 'next')
  // async works, i.e. setTimeout(() => state.some = 'next', 1000)
  // if you change some instances which is not a plain object, you should invoke `view.update()` manually,
  // i.e. `state.myIns.name = 'new name'; view.update()`

  // handle function which is put into jQuery.fn.on as you did like `$('#app').on('click', handle)`
  // handle function is optional, when you do not return handle function, action will still be invoked when the event happens, but you have no idea to receive DOM event
  return function handle(e) {
    const el = this
    const $el = $(this)

view.on('click', '.some', action)

No matter you use fn in view or to a component by @, the action function is the same structure.

<my-component @change="change(bindVar1, bindVar2)"></my-component>

$(...).vm(...).fn('change', (state, bindVar1, bindVar2) => (...args) => {
  // bindVar1, bindVar2 is from template
  // ...args is from inside component `this.emit`

Inside events:

  • $mount: when you invoke view.mount() this event will be triggered
  • $unmount: when you invoke view.unmount()
  • $render: when inner content rendered
  • $change: when state change
  .vm({ name: 'some' })
  .on('$mount', state => {
    state.name = 'new name'

The changing of state object you receive in action function will trigger rerendering. And the scope in template is state, so when you write a {{title}} syntax in template, you are calling state.title in fact. state is only available in on action functions.

You should always change state instead of changing DOM to trigger UI changing. You should not change DOM in action function unless you know what you are doing!

It is created from initState which is received by $('#app').vm(initState), initState can be one of:

  • object: a normal object which is used to be vm's default state.
  • function: which returns one of above

Notice, an instance of some class, for example new Some(), should not be passed in, only normal object supported.

When you pass a normal object, the original object will be changed by vm. This make it shared amoung different mounting. To prevent this, you can use a function to return an independent object in the function.

const view = $('#app').vm(function init() {
  return { title: 'xxx' }

view.unmount() // destory DOM
view.mount() // use `init` function to generate independent initState

💫 Directive

You can invoke directive to create a new attribute.

directive(name:string, compile:function, affect:function)
  • name: the tag name of the directive
  • compile($el, attrs): how to compile this component, should return undefined|$el|htmlstring
  • affect($el, attrs): do some side effects after whole template have been compiled, should return a function to abolish side effects, will be invoke after each compilation
const { directive } = window.jqvm

directive('jq-link', function(el, attrs) {
  const link = attrs['jq-link']
  el.attr('href', link)
  // if you return a string, it will be used as this tag's new content
  // if you do not return anthing, `el` will be used as content
<template id="app">
  <a jq-link="xxx">link</a>

Notice that, el is a copy element in directive and component, it is not in real DOM, so you should not bind events on it, binding will not work!

Example of affect:

directive('jq-src', null, function($el, attrs) {
  // here $el is real DOM element referer
  const attr = attrs['jq-src']
  const value = this.scope.interpolate(attr)
  $el.attr('src', value)

This is the source code of jq-src, by this operation, image will not be loaded when compiling, and will be loaded after insert into DOM.

<img jq-src="/xxx/{{id}}.jpg" />

You can even bind event listeners to $el:

directive('jq-on-click', null, function($el, attrs) {
  const callback = () => console.log('click')
  $el.on('click', callback)
  return () => $el.off('click', callback) // notice, you should must return function to abolish side effects

BuiltIn Directives

Here are builtin directives:

  • jq-if="!!exp" whehter to show this tag
  • jq-class="{ 'some-class': !!exp }" whether patch classes to tag
  • jq-value="exp" only used on input select textarea
  • jq-disabled="!!exp" only used on input select textarea button
  • jq-checked="!!exp" only used on input[type=checkbox] input[type=radio]
  • jq-selected="!!exp" only used on select > option
  • jq-bind="keyPath" two way binding, only used on input select textarea, when user type in, the keyPath value of vm will be update automaticly
  • jq-src="exp" only used on img, you should always use jq-src instead of src
  • jq-repeat print serval times
  • jq-on="event:fn" bind event callback function

The jq-repeat usage is a little complex:

<div jq-repeat="value,index in data traceby value.id">
  <span>{{index + 1}}</span>

Notice, value,index should have NO space inside, ,index is optional.

The jq-on directive should must work with view.fn, for example:

<button jq-on="click:handleSubmit">submit</button>

  $('..').vm({}).fn('handleSubmit', state => function(e) {

🤡 Component

You can invoke component to create a new tag.

component(name:string, view:View)
  • name: the tag name of the component
  • view: another view created by $.fn.vm
const { component } = window.jqvm

const icon = $(`<i class="icon icon-{{type}}"></i>`)
  .vm(() => ({ type: 'eye' })) // notice here, you should use a function to return initState

component('icon', icon)

You should use a function to return initState, so that the state of component is alone.

Now you can use this icon component in template:

<template id="app">
  <icon type="search"></icon>

When the component rendered, it will use type="search" to replace type state, so the final html is:

<i class="icon icon-search"></i>


When you want to pass props into a component, you should know that:

  • type="search" normal string
  • :type="'search'" expression, read from state of current scope
  • @change="fn" emitter handler function, read from functions which registered by fn

And, a very important thing: only those properties on component's state will work (override inner state), others will have no effect, and you have no idea to get them.. When the value of a property changes, the inner component will rerender with new value. For example:

const box = $(`...`).vm({ a: 1, b: 2 })

const view = $(`
  <my-box :a="2" c="xxx" @change="change(a,b)"></my-box>
  .vm(() => ({ ... }))
  .component('my-box', box)
// :a="2" will work, and c="xxx" will not work (has no effect)


Inside a component (sepcial view), you should call view.emit to emit a event. For example:

$(...).vm(() => ({ ... }))
  .fn('change', function(state) {
    return (e) => this.emit('change', e) // this -> view, emit is only in view instance


this.emit(event, ...args)

Then you can receive the event outside:

<my-component @change="fn_change">

The handler function is an action function as metioned.

Notice: component emitter is different from jq-on event. jq-on event is refer to DOM Event system, component emitter is just refer to a custom subscriber system.

🍞 Filter

A filter is a string formatter which used in template.

  <div>{{ price | number:2 }}</div>
function number(value, fixed) {
  return value.toFixed(fixed)

view.filter('number', number)

The first paramter of the function is the value receive from the previous before |.


To share state among components, you may use a store to maintain the shared state:

// create store and share it between two components by passing `store` into `.vm(store)`
const { createStore } = window.jqvm
const store = createStore({ count: 10 })
const componentA = $('<span>{{count}}</span>')
const componentB = $('<div>count: {{count}}</div>')

// using the two components
<template id="app">

  .component('comp-a', componentA)
  .component('comp-b', componentB)

Async Component

To split your code with unit by component, you can use createAsyncComponent to implement this.

createAsyncComponent(loader:Function, callback:Function) -> compile
  • loader: Function to return a jQuery.Deferred or promise which contains a then method, a ESModule with default export a View instance or a View instance should be put in then callback
  • callback: invoke after the deferer resolved, you can visti this as current view in it


// https://xxx/some-component.js
export default $(`<span>{{title}}</span>`)
  .vm(() => ({ title: '' }))

// main.js
  .component('some-component', createAsyncComponent(() => import('https://xxxx/some-component.js')))
// main.js
$('#app').vm({ loading: true })
      () => $.get('https://xxxx/some-component.template.html')
        .then((html) => $(html).vm(() => ({ title: '' }))),
      function() {
        this.update({ loading: false })

Or you can use AMD Module system to create a single component as a module to load, so that you can split your code easily.

🙈 License