Project description

A high-performance RESTful service capable of handling the rigorous demands of high-frequency trading systems. This service acts as a component in the company ABC trading infrastructure, managing and analysing financial data in near real-time.

Technical Description

  • Uses in memory storage to store financial data
  • Uses Segment Tree structure for fast statistics retrieval
  • Has 2 endpoints: '/add_batch' to insert batch data, '/stats' to retrieve stats for specified symbol
  • Built with Spring Boot

Running locally

  • Ensure Java SDK 21 is installed on your machine
  • Run ./gradlew bootRun in your terminal
  • Test the API using the following command curl 'localhost:8080/stats?symbol=APPL1&k=1'. Should return a json with message 'Symbol not found'


  • Project uses Lombok for boilerplate replacements of getters/setters, ensure that Annotation Processing is enabled in Idea